Orange County NC Website
Chapter 2: The Plan <br />1,; EconoifiWlDe01Qprnent <br />!The eighteen member Orange County Economic Development Commission,(EDC) <br />( /ecodev) includes representatives from each of the county's three towns- (Carrboro, <br />Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough), the local chambers of commerce, the University of North Carolina, the Orange <br />County'Board of Commissioners and at -large members representing various sectors of the local economy. The <br />EDC supports economic development efforts throughout the County, both within municipalities and in non- <br />incorporated areas. <br />The mission of the Orange County Economic' Development Commission (EDC) is: <br />To make Orange County a smart, innovative place — a great place in which to live and work. We encourage <br />public - private investments to provide jobs for county residents and to increase the non - residential tax base. <br />Through these investments, we enhance the financial well -being and quality of life of county residents, and the <br />ability of their local governments to provide high - quality services. <br />In 2004, the EDC led a community -wide process to develop a strategic plan for economic development in the <br />county. That plan, Investing in Innovation: Orange County Economic Development Commission Five -Year <br />Strategic flan: 2005 -2010, was endorsed by the governing boards of the County, the three towns, and both <br />area chambers of commerce. <br />Its five -year goal is: <br />'To create 5,000 new private sector jobs in Orange County and add $125,000,000 in new commercial property <br />by June 2010. <br />"The EDC is working to accomplish its goal by pursuing four interrelated strategic initiatives: <br />Business focused Strategies: <br />w8usitnesg G imato ,C,oal: Public private partnerships will have formed to create a stronger business climate and <br />Orange, County will have a clear set of guidelines, standards and procedures designed to sustain and nurture <br />existing businesses, encourage entrepreneurship, and attract targeted employers. <br />11411 rastructure+ Gohl: Infrastructure will be in place to support the county's economic development goals of <br />increasing the commercial tax base and retaining and attracting targeted businesses. <br />28 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic, Plan 2007 <br />