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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />u � iindiPreventioni lthroeghllEnvironmentall eseign fCIP'TEDj�,Strategies <br />The, Task Force examined Crime Prevention through Environmental' Design strategies as a means of <br />confronting crime and code enforcement issues on the 70 Corridor. "CPTED is the proper design and <br />effective use of the built environment which may lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime, <br />and an improvement of the quality of life. " National Crime Prevention. Institute <br />CPTED techniques employ four basic strategies. Those strategies are listed below. <br />1. Natural Surveillance: A design concept aimed at increasing visibility especially in parking <br />areas and building entrances by enhancing nighttime lighting and smart positioning of site <br />features. This design concept is useful for pedestrians and motorists. <br />2. Territorial reinforcement: A design concept aimed at defining the ownership of places so as <br />to discourage potential offenders.-, One strategy that promotes this concept is to define <br />property boundaries with landscape and hardscape features like gateways in order to <br />distinguish public and private spaces. <br />3. "Natural Access, Control: A design concept aimed at decreasing the opportunity for crime by <br />denying access to crime targets and creating a perception of risk in offenders. "This can be <br />accomplished by discouraging access to private areas with structural elements: <br />4. Targefflardenin :!,This design concept is accomplished by prohibiting access to private <br />buildings by such features as window locks, dead bolts. And interior door hinges: <br />rr CWM edarid( Cddd1Enforceinent4Reconimeitdations <br />-The following list summarizes thdTask:Force recommendations. <br />re Add street lights to the existing electric poles along the corridor that are currently without lights <br />® Site new poles along 70 Corridor to house street lights in order to create a safe <br />environment for neighborhood residents and pedestrians . <br />0)® 11,Increase police patrols and encourage enforcement of loitering/trespassing <br />® "Initiate a Neighborhood• Watch group for the community along US 70 <br />® Continue diligent pursuit of code violations <br />�}® ii Include G PTED design guidelines or requirements as part of the Zoning Ordinance <br />rewrite to protect existing residents and encourage development <br />25 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />