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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />1,, C im6� 'Preve> tioni to d� C dd6!, Eigforcement <br />1he.Town of Hillsborough recognizes a need for stronger code enforcement mechanisms and tougher <br />crime prevention strategies throughout the town." In response to this need, the7own recently hired a <br />full -time Code Enforcement Officer whose help enables the Town to pursue code enforcement issues <br />and nuisances more diligently than in the past. <br />'' Property owners have an important role to play in the prevention of crime and nuisance control as well. <br />The code enforcement system is complaint — driven and as such the'Town relies on community members <br />to report nuisances. Similarly, the police expect community members to report suspicious activity. <br />Property owners can also proactively deter crime by considering lighting, signage, and other design <br />factors on site. Additional lighting as well as landscaping and signage improvements encourage more <br />activity and can send an important statement of commitment and care. <br />(, CriraePPrevention <br />The US 70 Corridor /Cornelius Street Task Force asked Captain Dexter Davis and Captain Judy Jacobs <br />and Code Enforcement Officer Thomas Cummings to make recommendations for decreasing crime and <br />the perception of crime along the 70 Corridor. ,The The following list is a summary of their <br />recommendations. <br />® Increase patrol <br />"Increase amount of area lighting <br />»® Initiate a neighborhood watch program <br />® Initiate a community beautification program <br />?® Add `Welcome to Hillsborough' signage. <br />® Enforce trespassing and loitering laws <br />�3® Add caution light before Faucette. Mill, Rd. to slow traffic <br />>a Add crosswalks and sidewalks for pedestrian safety <br />® Address the vacant overgrown lots through code enforcement <br />® Address problem properties and problem landlords <br />�® „Enforce mowing and cleanliness regulations through code enforcement <br />�® "Enforce junk vehicle regulations through code enforcement <br />24 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />