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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />IlTr,ai;,sportatioiirltecomnteii,d,dtions <br />After consideration of existing Churton Street design plans and various transportation and traffic <br />calming options, the, Taski Force developed the following recommendations. <br />VW_fflenhtg� or US-70/, GorifMus�-Street <br />When widening becomes imperative, widen US 70/ Cornelius Street to a four-lane <br />divided highway with a planted median and with a bikeway/greenway path along both <br />sides for bike and pedestrian use <br />'Request funding from NCDOT prior to the average daily trips exceeding capacity <br />..-Provide crosswalks Where sidewalks/ greenway paths facilitate and encourage crossing <br />Adjust existing road patterns to make safer, more efficient intersections as detailed in the <br />'Roadway Connections hnprovement.Map and below <br />Meroifflng>iside-lstreets <br />,'Reroute Short Street to. Terrell Road to improve safety at. FauceffdNiII-Road <br />.n® <br />i i Extend Short Street to the south to connect with Alma and open more land for <br />development <br />we ­ Connect East Drive. to Short Street extension to improve connectivity <br />­0 - Connect Hill Street to Faucettd*.Mill.-Road <br /><,)e ;:Extend Cedar Grove'-Road to Cornelius Street and remove thd'.McAdams,-Road. <br />connection to Cornelius Street <br />I eWIDeVkl9pment <br />O)e Encourage new development to limit the number of curb cuts along 70 through shared <br />access planning <br />0�G Encourage new development. -to incorporate traffic calming strategies on streets internal <br />to the development sites. <br />"Encourage pedestrian connectivity along. US 70 and among development sites as well as <br />requiring pedestrian -connectivity internal to-development sites <br />C9® Encourage bike and pedestrian amenities like bike racks and benches at commercial and <br />multi-family development sites <br />M® Encourage bus stop locations along, US 70 for both-local circulation and regional <br />commuting <br />23 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />