Agenda - 05-21-2007-c1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-21-2007
Agenda - 05-21-2007-c1
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4/23/2013 9:20:12 AM
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8/28/2008 11:51:14 AM
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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />difficult spot to navigate because of the numerous roads that convene at than point. Specifically, Short <br />Street complicates traffic because it enters the intersection at an awkward angle. Therefore, the Task. <br />Force recommended rerouting Short Street to exit onto Terrell-Road and connecting to Alma and East <br />Streets to the south. „In addition, the Task Force agreed that the neighborhood of Fairview could be <br />improved by greater connectivity.. The Task Force identified a problem area where McAdams meets 70 <br />and investigated options for improving the intersection at Lawndale. The Task Force also recommended <br />improving connectivity in Fairview by connecting Hill and Faucette Mill... Finally the'Task Force <br />recommended removing a section of McAdams and instead opened a connection from Cedar Grove to <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street. ,This change allows for greater distance between this intersection and the <br />intersection at Churton Street. <br />IlTraf of Calming <br />Recognizing that redevelopment of the US 70l Cornelius Street Corridor likely will impact areas <br />adjacent to the Corridor, the. Task Force examined traffic calming techniques as additional safety <br />measures to be implemented on the side roads and future development of these neighborhoods. Traffic <br />calming is a set of street designs and traffic rules that slow and reduce traffic while encouraging walkers <br />and cyclists to share the street. "Traffic calming is based on the premise that streets are valuable public <br />spaces that should be shared equally by all users. Traffic calming devices are simple, inexpensive, self - <br />enforcing, and easily modified to accommodate emergency vehicles, garbage trucks, and buses. <br />Traffic calming reduces traffic accidents, increases the safety and convenience for pedestrians and other <br />non - motorists, gives more space for children to play, eliminates noise and pollution, improves scenery, <br />provides neighborhood revitalization and stability, and reduces crime. <br />Goals of Traffic Calming <br />-3,® ;';Fewer traffic .accidents w® " More space for children's play <br />m® Safety and convenience for pedestrians and -o Elimination of noise and pollution <br />. other non - motorists Me 'Neighborhood revitalization and stability <br />..Types of Traffic Calming Devices <br />�® Speed Humps m® <br />"Mini!Traffic Circles n <br />a Sidewalk Extensions ro® <br />22 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Cor <br />"'Raised Crosswalks <br />Varying pavement materials <br />Medians <br />idor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />
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