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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />llhnproving'Intersections Along-70! Corridor <br />Some of the intersections along 70 Corridor are poorly designed causing congestion and posing safety <br />threats to motorists and pedestrians. "The Task Force looked at the roads that connect to US 70/ <br />Cornelius' Street and made suggestions for improvements. ;The objectives in making recommendations <br />for changes included increasing connectivity and improving traffic flow as well as promoting safer <br />conditions. <br />IlRoadway, „onneetiong(iMprovement'M4p <br />Dark lines on the map represent road openings while dotted lines represent road closings. <br />iThei Task, Force agreed that the intersection at Faucettd.Mill Rd. and US 70 is the greatest problem in the <br />Corridor. iThe intersection has been improved recently by the installation of a stoplight but it is still a <br />21 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />