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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />IlThelBikel,l PedestrianIlPathways <br />The combination of the bike lanes and sidewalk into bike/ pedestrian pathways provides multiple <br />benefits for the community. "Most obviously, the pathways provide safe routes of travel for non- <br />motorized travelers.- Children and adults will be able to access the path from surrounding <br />neighborhoods. The path will also be a passive recreation resource providing public health benefits. <br />Many community members prefer walking to high impact exercise. Also, there are environmental <br />benefits to creating the bike /pedestrian pathways including increased non - motorized travel, resulting in <br />fewer vehicles mile traveled, which leads to improved air quality. These pathways will allow community <br />members to incorporate physical activity into daily routines. Also, there are economic benefits. The <br />pathways will promote economic development by encouraging commercial investment in the corridor. <br />Businesses want to locate in places that people frequent by foot and by car. The pathways will aid in <br />connecting businesses along the corridor and will help to establish a retail - friendly environment:' Finally, <br />the incorporation of planting strips and the landscaped median will improve the overall aesthetic quality <br />of the 70 Corridor further encouraging redevelopment and also improving the quality of life for area <br />residents. <br />20 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />