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Chapter 2: The Plan <br />IT <br />ii iransportation <br />In planning for future growth and development in Hillsborough, transportation and traffic issues <br />must be taken into account. dThere are a limited number of access roads into the Town and traffic <br />along these main corridors is always a concern. <br />US 7W Cornelius Street, Corridor is the main east west corridor through the north section of <br />"Hillsborough. It is used for in-town traffic and connects thdFairview and Hillsborough Heights <br />neighborhoods to the, Churton Grove shopping area.,, It is also used for commuter traffic between <br />"Efland.-Mebane, and the Triad region and. Durham and'RTP. "Heavy trucks and significant <br />commercial traffic use this route as Well as daily drivers as it is the designated truck route out of <br />downtown from Churton Street. <br />ITr, a n, Y <br />,portation(Coneerns <br />TheTask,Force identified the following key transportation issues. <br />o Congestion impacts safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic <br />Certain road improvements need to be made immediately but US 70 is not slated to be widened <br />in the near future <br />Road widening has been requested, but is not yet funded by'NCDOT <br />The numerous left turns impact speed, safety, and the level of service-of the road <br />!The corridor is heavily used by commercial traffic. ;The long-term implications for public safety <br />and quality of life issues of the community are compromised because of the existing commercial <br />and heavy truck traffic <br />)Videning-710(Corridor <br />US 70 is owned and maintained by the North Carolina. Department. of Transportation,'NCDOT, which <br />means that the NCDOT is responsible for all upkeep and improvements. ,.In 2000 the:Town requested <br />that the 70, Corridor be studied for widening.„ Currently;, US 70 is a two-lane road with turning lanes at <br />signalized intersections. The width of the highway is an estimated 25 feet—However, the right-of-way is <br />100 feet,-leaving considerable room for future road -widening. <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />