Orange County NC Website
Chapter 1: Plan Development <br />„(. 11"will <br />151jI■,j.,nw. . <br />Analysis of ownership records indicates that a substantial amount of properties in the US 709/ Cornelius <br />Street Corridor is owner - occupied. When compared to the Existing Uses map it appears that only 11 <br />properties used for residences are not owner- occupied. The.Task Force agreed that existing owner - <br />occupied dwellings should not be pressured to redevelop unless it was the owners desire to do so. <br />The'Task Force used the information collected from the map analysis to categorize parcels along the 70 <br />Corridor into four groups; developed, in need of site improvements, ready for redevelopment, and <br />topography challenges. <br />.The map representing these designations and an explanation of how the committee arrived at the <br />designations is located in Gh4,pter ]2:i!DevolQpmenVPotentiiil. <br />15. <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />