Orange County NC Website
Chapter 1: Plan Development <br />' jigging �i� <br />MIMI <br />ME <br />MEN <br />The zoning map shows the mixture�of zoning designations along the corridor. The majority of land is <br />currently zoned residential but there are quite a few commercial properties as well. It is probable that <br />prior to development some properties will need to be rezoned from residential to commercial. <br />The definition and intent statement for each zoning category are listed below: <br />+,R =:40 ('Residential 40,District):,The purpose of the:R -40' District is to provide locations for rural non- <br />farm residential development, at very low intensities, in areas where the short and long-term solutions to <br />domestic water supply and sewage disposal _needs would usually be individual wells and ground <br />absorption systems. <br />12 <br />US 70/ Cornelius Street Corridor Strategic Plan 2007 <br />