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sa ., co . . r_._ . . <br /> –16–X3 <br /> Hillsborough,` FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993 <br /> .:,,:,.. -, , , � <br /> - ., � � FROM 3 <br /> ,. -...-----,.- a Stephen Halkiotis responded by "shouldn't use the lack of water <br /> By OI DFRCa i , ;e' both sides,' she said Wednes questioning Hillsborough's corn- and sewer as a growth manage- <br /> :.By R p GRi11 N BE ';' day . mitment to finishing the plan- ment tool." <br /> HC h S el ill r H While' Negotiations on the.,plan,'. fling agreement, which would For her part, Lorenz was <br /> p define the town's long-term quick to distance herself from <br /> cooperative planning agree fling agreement' .under way-.- boundaries. fellow Town Board member <br /> merit"between the town and .since 1991„ stalled:earlier this <br /> Qran e County is ffo closer to year• '-*Iieri Mayor, Horace : But the acrimony of the prior Remus Smith, who told county . <br /> 'Oran a Coup# gals'bn hod. : ohzasoti two months never appeared officials at the meeting that he <br /> and Town Board" Tuesday night. wouldn't support an agreement <br /> sides are glad they're still melm;0,0_,t-:4,0:1?'Rose traded pot Two seemingly contradictory that didn't allow the town to <br /> *piing ibout the idea shots te media;;With.:cons <br /> issioners:aver : issues have to be resolved be serve rural customers. <br /> months of interjuri5r fine mu1 fore the planning accord can be Lorenz suggested that a ma- <br /> ; dictional bickering had raised. debated University Station signed. Town officials want the jority of the Town Board— she <br /> dottbbts" about' whether tliat prci]ect - right to extend water and sewer and fellow members Allen and <br /> would`still be° the case afterofnson..and Rose claimed service into nearby rural areas, Evelyn Lloyd — doesn't "hold <br /> �this week that comtmmzssron0.0,'.:l a.d while the county commissioners an intransigent position on <br /> ° Btit, meetrx Tnesda be dragged their feet on approv are anxious to prevent uncoil- that." <br /> y nag.'tlie 529 acre real estate trolled growth in those same "I'm not willing to say that <br /> green the Town. Board and clevel.o neh.t <br /> the cqun �commissfoners � p leispardtztrtg ; areas. we'll take our marbles and go <br /> more than: $1 iilillion in . Lorenz and Willhoit, how- home" if the talks don't pro- <br /> .may .ve marked "a real water and sewer.t'ap on:'fees <br /> ruing, pomt.`fn then;under` and, other, benefits that ever,'said there is reason to be- duce a quick solution, she said- <br /> standing" betW'een t ie two; would floi� the•:town"i ft heve that the two sides can find "The county does have some le- <br /> groups, Town Board member sere built common ground. They tign ing ex e reasons for not want <br /> Carol Lorenz said Bested that the contradiction ing extensions." <br /> Coxnmissiptters lion Will isn't as profound as it might ap- Lorenz also made a pitch — <br /> "There may have been; hart, Moses: Carey ,r ;`and ; pear. during the meeting and in in- <br /> some light bulbs going o#t'on please see PLANNING/g Willhoit said the key question terviews later — for better <br /> for Hillsborough revolves communication between the <br /> around a technical benefit — two governments. She said she <br /> completion of a looped water believes that town and county <br /> and sewer system from New officials have to understand <br /> Hope School northeast to U.S. each other's long-term objet- <br /> '. 70 — rather than the financial tives before the agreement can <br /> gain the town would realize go forward. <br /> ( from an expanded customer Several commissioners <br /> base. "seemed surprised that the <br /> "Hillsborough wanting rev- town has both a master growth <br /> enue is no surprise to any-. plan and a capital-improvement <br /> body," he said Thursday. "But plans for water and sewer ser- <br /> what Hillsborough really wants vice, she said. Town officials are <br /> is to loop the area so that they just as unfamiliar with the <br /> can provide better service to county's plans. <br /> [the customers] they already Hillsborough officials have to <br /> have." overcome the town's history of <br /> A compromise could free Hill- poor planning, Lorenz added. <br /> sborough to install new utility "The way business was done <br /> lines and give county officials in town in the past no doubt <br /> the final say-so —'through zon- left people in the county think- <br /> ing and other land-use restric- ing, 'These are a bunch of coun- <br /> . lions — over development in try bumpkins that just fell off <br /> most areas outside of town, the turnip truck,' " she said. <br /> • Willhoit said. "Some of the things we've put <br /> He said those regulations in place — and the profes- <br /> have to precede the town's util- sionalism of the town staff - <br /> ity extensions. He added, how- come as a real surprise to some <br /> ever, that county officials people." <br />