Agenda - 05-15-2007-7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-15-2007
Agenda - 05-15-2007-7a
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Dr. Vizithum said that the position should be located in the department that would be relying <br />the most on the position's work products. It would be more efficient for the position to be <br />located within the Health Department, he said, because "the Health Department is going to be <br />the primary user of the information generated by the position." <br />Mr. McIver said that the new position would best be housed in the ERCD. The primary users <br />of the information to be provided by the new position will be Planning and Health, he said, <br />with other departments -- including ERCD -being secondary users. "Since ERCD is <br />responsible for overseeing water resources generally," he said, "and not a primary user of the <br />information, then ERCD could best insure that the work of the new position serves all <br />relevant departments." Placing the position within ERCD would best protect the position <br />against "mission creep," he said. <br />• There appeared to be a consensus that the position always "remain connected," and be in <br />service, to multiple Departments wherever the position is eventually housed. In fact, there <br />appeared to be agreement that the person in this new position should be responsible for <br />"developing a comrnunity of users" for the technical/scientific information s/he will be <br />generating and interpreting. Both the Health Department and ERCD have "interdepartmental <br />infrastructures" through which they initiate and maintain collaboration with others. Where <br />ever the position is placed, "it will require some work" to create a tangible multi- <br />departmental team around water resources management. <br />• Dr. Rimer said that the position should be located where the resources exist to ensure the <br />person can succeed. Different group members had different ideas about which County <br />department would best support the new position, as follows: <br />o Dr. Rimer said that the individual's professional background should match or be <br />complemented by the professional backgrounds of the other employees in the <br />department. In response to a question from Dr. Rimer, Mr. Stanch and Dr. Summers <br />inventoried the backgrounds of the relevant people within their Departments. Mr. <br />Stanch noted that he has been the lead in developing the County's Water Resources <br />Initiative and in coordinating several background watershed protection and water <br />resources studies over the last 18 years that led up to that initiative. He said that his <br />staff includes a biological resources specialist. (Land Conservation Manager), a <br />Cultural Resources Specialist (historic preservation, archaeology, agricultural <br />preservation), a Landscape Architect, a GIS Project Coordinator, and a Resource <br />Conservation Technician (who is the staff person that collected and still processes and <br />enters the .ground water database information). Dr. Summers said that her staff <br />includes the environmental health director, an environmental health supervisor, a <br />doctoral prepared microbiologist, two licensed soils scientists, and 3 additional <br />environmental health specialists. <br />• Dr. Rimer said that the position should be housed within the department in control of the <br />database(s) upon which the position will be working. According to Dr. Surmners and Mr. <br />Stanch, both Health and ERCD share a common GIS database with information on new wells <br />and different aspects of water quality and water quantity. <br />
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