Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> Page 4 of 7 <br /> B. KEYS <br /> RPAC No keys used in the securing of any recreation and <br /> RECOMMENDATION: parks department facility should be issued to any <br /> person other than a county department staff member <br /> in conjunction with a reservation of that facility. <br /> This recommendation to not issue keys to anyone <br /> includes county "affiliates. " <br /> The county should invest in a lock system that uses <br /> keys that are physically unable to be reproduced <br /> outside the lock manufacturer' s plant. <br /> RPAC COMMENTS: One copied key (or one lost key) opens whole <br /> buildings up to theft and unauthorized use. Until <br /> the county can provide a key that can not be <br /> reproduced, recreation and park facility keys <br /> should not be issued to anyone, including county <br /> "affiliate" staff members or representatives. Our <br /> facilities are going to be used more and more by <br /> citizens and staff, with more and more keys to <br /> county facilities out in the community. We should <br /> provide adequate security of county assets. <br /> STAFF INFORMATION: Copies of keys to recreation and parks department <br /> facilities are "floating" around in the community. These are <br /> especially attractive keys for a young person to have ( for fun, theft <br /> and vandalism reasons. ) We have had unauthorized use of our facilities <br /> due to unauthorized possession and use of keys (2:00 a.m. basketball <br /> games at Northern Recreation Center, unauthorized key-entry into agency <br /> offices after breaking into the building, for example. ) County <br /> affiliates (leasing agencies) experience staff turn-over without county <br /> management of facility key issue and key return to/from these staff <br /> members. The cost of a lock and key system like that described by RPAC <br /> is approximately $ 5,500 for all recreation facility exterior doors and <br /> park entrance gates. County assets at recreation and park facilities <br /> total approximately $ 91,000. <br />