Orange County NC Website
a /"3 <br /> 3 . Payments for Services . Within seven (7) calendar days of <br /> the execution of this Agreement by County and Commission, County <br /> will pay Commission the County support described in paragraph <br /> number 1 of this Agreement. <br /> 4 . Financial Records . Commission agrees to allow County to <br /> inspect its financial books and records upon reasonable notice <br /> during normal working hours for the purpose of determining that <br /> County support is dedicated and used by Commission for <br /> accomplishing the Work Statement services . <br /> 5 . Termination for Cause. In the event that Commission <br /> shall cease to exist as an organization or shall enter bankruptcy <br /> proceedings, or be declared insolvent, or liquidate all or <br /> substantially all of its assets, or shall substantially fail to <br /> timely perform services in accord with this Agreement, or in the <br /> event that Commission shall fail to render a satisfactory <br /> accounting as provided herein, then and in that event County may <br /> terminate this Agreement and Commission shall refund to County a <br /> prorata portion of the money paid to Commission by County for those <br /> services which have not been performed or for which no satisfactory <br /> accounting has been rendered. <br /> 6 . Hold County Harmless . Commission hereby agrees to hold <br /> County harmless against any claims or actions from damages, injury, <br /> or death relating to or arising out of Commission's use of County <br /> funds or due to acts or omissions of Commission's officers, <br /> employees, contractors or agents . <br /> 7 . Non-Discrimination. In matters of employment, provision <br /> of services and contracting, Commission agrees to act without <br />