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6'19 - <br /> • <br /> Each new group requesting affiliation with TYHA and as approved by a 2/3 <br /> majority vote, will be entitled to ( 1 ) seat as a Board of Director at large. <br /> This individual will and agrees, by joining and accepting this position to <br /> in accordance with the TYHA by-laws. Any group or individual that falls <br /> this category will further need to comply with this boards rulings as <br /> they relate to their groups actions or purpose unless specifically waived by <br /> a 2/3 vote majority of the Board. <br /> sub article A: Eligibility. Any member of the Association, as defined in <br /> Article 4 of the bylaws, shall be eligible for election to the Board of <br /> Directors of the Association. <br /> sub article B: Method of Election. No later than the first week in January <br /> of each year, the sitting Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating <br /> Committee of no less than five (5) members from the Board and general <br /> membership for the purpose of assembling a slate of candidates for election <br /> to the Board for the following year. Each age division shall be represented <br /> on this committee. After soliciting broad input from the Association <br /> membership, by February 1 , the Committee shall present a slate with one or <br /> more candidates for each office to the full Board. A simple majority of <br /> voting members is required to confirm the slate. Upon confirmation by the <br /> Board, a mail-in ballot, including a biographical sketch of each candidate, <br /> will be provided to each family of a registered player no later than February <br /> 15. Each family may cast only one ( 1) ballot per registered player. Members <br /> without a registered player are also permitted one(1 ) ballot . Write-in <br /> candidates are permitted. To be counted, the ballots must be returned to the <br /> Secretary of the Association, either by mail or by the division Parent <br /> Representative, no later than March 1 . Election to office will be by a <br /> imple majority of all votes cast for each position. The new Board members <br /> 1 be presented to the assembled membership at the Annual Meeting, and will <br /> be invited to attend all meetings of the Board as non-voting members until <br /> they take office on June 1 . <br /> sub article C: Term of Office. Directors shall be elected for a renewable <br /> term of two years. To assure continuity of leadership, the terms are <br /> overlapping so that only one-half the offices are contested each year. <br /> sub article D: Duties of Officers. <br /> 1 ) The President shall be responsible for: overall direction of the <br /> Association' s activities, including calling and presiding over regular and <br /> special meetings of the Board of Directors' and the Association membership; <br /> serving as the Associations primary representative to the MAHL or any future <br /> organization with which the Association may affiliate at a later time. <br /> Except for those activities which require Board action as referenced <br /> elsewhere in these Bylaws, He/She has full authority to act on behalf of the <br /> Association, and to make commitments in the best interests of the <br /> Association. <br /> 2) The Vice-President for Finance shall be responsible for: preparing the <br /> annual Association budget; providing oversight to, management of the <br /> Association' s financial and fund-raising activities; all Association audit <br /> functions; and carrying out the responsibilities of the President in the <br /> ,vent of His/Her temporary absence or incapacitation. <br /> TYHA Bylaws Page 3 <br />