Orange County NC Website
pAr ' / <br /> 1/ 1 _ 13 <br /> 7. 1. 9 Amateur/Pro Susie Mounce <br /> * U. S.F.S.A. Figure 4, novice freestyle, pre-gold dances, silver <br /> freedance, 2 gold dances. <br /> * U.S.F. S.A. Regional intermediate ladies competitions <br /> * U. S.F.S.A. Regional & Sectional Competitions in Junior Dance <br /> 7. 1. 10 Coach Yvette Montgomery <br /> * I.S. I.A. Freestyle 5, figures 3, dances 4, dance 2 <br /> * I.S. I.A. winner of several I.S.I.A. competitions <br /> * 2 summers training with Robert Unger in Knoxville <br /> * 4 years teaching experience <br /> 7 . 1. 11 Coach Mary Anne Sturey <br /> * U.S.F.S.A. figure 6 & freestyle <br /> * U.S.F. S.A. bronze dances. <br /> * 5 years teaching group & private lessons <br /> * Special education teacher to 6th grade students <br /> 7. 1. 12 Coach Karen Thorne • <br /> * I.S. I.A. freesyle 4 • <br /> * I.S. I.A. winner of several I.S.I.A. competitions. <br /> * 2 years teaching experience. <br /> * Batchelors degree in Music <br /> 7 . 1. 13 TYHA recognizes this opportunity to hire some handicapped <br /> staff. The detailed assessment will need to balance the job require- <br /> ments and the safety of the individuals and public. <br /> 7. 2 An organisation chart is attached (Appendix (14) ) showing the <br /> responsibilties and reporting "lines" for the organisation. <br /> 7 . 3 There are contracts in place with the ice maintenance personel <br /> and the Figure Skating Director. <br /> 8 FINANCIAL INFORMATION <br /> 8 . 1 SUPPORTING ORGANISATIONS <br /> 8. 1. 1 Government agencies. <br /> * North Carolina State Parks and Recreation Department <br /> * Orange County Parks & Recreation. <br /> * the Town of Hillsborough <br /> 8 . 1.2 Civic Groups <br /> * Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce <br /> * Jaycees, Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary Clubs <br />