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) .r__ 12 <br /> 7 . 1.2 There will be two reporting organizations headed by the Program <br /> Director and the Facility Manager; a general secretary function may be <br /> added to support the Assistant Manager at a later date. <br /> 7. 1. 3 Both organisations will have their own staff consisting of <br /> part-time, full time and volunteer employees. Due to the nature of the <br /> project, and its relationship with both county and municipality Parks <br /> and Recreational groups, there would also be the need for a tight <br /> communications linkage in terms of programs and scheduling. <br /> 7 . 1.4 Staff will be made up of qualified professionals in the area of <br /> permanent management positions, instructors such as coaches, accounting <br /> resources etc. , with supplements from school business programs both at. <br /> high school and university levels. The total estimated staff is <br /> approximately 30 to 35 with approximately 15 to 20 volunteers. <br /> 7 . 1.5 The Figure Skating Director will be Mary Jo Bullin whose resume <br /> is attached as appendix [13] but is summarized below. <br /> * U.S. F. S.A Triple Gold Medalist in Figures & Freestyle. <br /> * U.S.F.S.A Gold medalist in Dance & Free Dance. <br /> * Two International Dances passed. <br /> * U. S. F.S.A Silver medalist in Pairs. <br /> * Canadian Gold medalist in Dance. <br /> * 1 year understudy with "Holiday on Ice" <br /> * Extensive background in off-ice balance & movement. <br /> * 13 years reaching experience. <br /> 7. 1. 6 Instructor John D'Amelio <br /> * U.S.F.S.A Double Gold & International medalist in dance. <br /> * U.S. International Skating Team 1984-1986 <br /> * U. S. National Competitor 1983-1987 <br /> * U. S. Olympic Festival 1985 <br /> * U.S. Silver Medalist 1984 <br /> * 5 years teaching experience. <br /> 7. 1. 7 Instructor Stephen Melville <br /> * P.S.G.A Snr rated, figure and freestyle. <br /> * 3 years Men's Champion South Africa. <br /> * 2 years as solo performer in "Holiday on Ice" , Europe. <br /> * 13 years professional experience <br /> 7 . 1. 8 Amateur helper Kevin Elvin. <br /> * U.S.F.S.A. figure 4, intermediate freestyle, siver freedance 2 gold <br /> dances, bronze pairs etc. <br /> * U. S.F.S.A. junior dance Regional & Sectional competitions. <br />