Orange County NC Website
1993 NACo ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PROGRAM SUMMARY <br /> PROBLEM/CONCERN (Describe the problem,need or concern in your county/department that prompted the <br /> development of the program. Describe the objectives of the program.) <br /> One of Orange County' s most important mandates is to serve <br /> the citizens and to keep them informed about publicly funded <br /> programs, services, and procedures. Information access is a <br /> sensitive and highly charged issue, one that "In Touch With Orange <br /> County" seeks to address by making access to local government easy <br /> and timely for the largest possible number of citizens. Because <br /> Orange County is constantly striving to enhance and further <br /> promote our communication efforts, this system was deemed to be a <br /> resourceful and efficient method of relaying county and community <br /> information. <br /> SOLUTION (Describe the steps that were taken by the county/department to remedy the problem or to address the <br /> concern. Explain how the program's objectives were met,) <br /> Following the approval of the Board of County Commissioner' s, <br /> the County Manager' s Office took the lead role in the management <br /> of the project. The necessary equipment was purchased and a <br /> project team, consisting of representatives from various <br /> departments, was formed to coordinate all of the required efforts. <br /> The initial tasks were primarily technical in nature. The <br /> information for the text material was written by the department <br /> heads and the data processing department was responsible for <br /> structuring the information in the proper format -- which resulted <br /> in more than 200 text files. <br /> All of the narrative information was completed in-house. <br /> However, the County did not possess the capability to produce the <br /> audio and video components . Consequently, this process had to be <br /> contracted with a design and production company. This company <br /> served as consultants in the development of the video, and was <br /> 3 <br />