Orange County NC Website
Master Aging Plan Update - 2007-11 <br />Time Line Process <br />June, 2005 -May, 2007 <br />^ June 23, 2005 -MAP Update Planning for 2006-2010 approved by BOCC. <br />(Changed to 2007-11) <br />^ Oct. 18, 2005- BOCC approved the MAP planning process that included the <br />appointment of members to the Steering Committee & functional subgroups, their <br />charge and timeline <br />^ Dec. 1, 2005 -Kick off/Orientation Event held <br />^ Dec.- Feb. 2006 -Task Force Groups met: <br />^ Reviewed past MAP Accomplishments/unmet objectives <br />^ Identified issues by functional groups & general pop. <br />^ Reviewed updated profile of older adults <br />^ Considered elements of caging-friendly community <br />^ March-April 2006 -Completed the identification & prioritization of issues by the Task <br />Force <br />® May 4, 2006 BOCC Update -Commissioners approved the priority issues identified by <br />both the subcommittees and steering committee. <br />^ May-August, 2006 -Three functional subgroups and four broad issues subgroups met <br />and finalized goals, objectives & suggested strategies. <br />^ August 24, 2006 -MAP Steering Committee met -approved the MAP report outline & <br />preliminary goals & objectives, adding legislation, and planning and administration. In <br />addition, Steering Committee approved the Report theme - "Developing Aging- <br />Friendly Communities in Orange", and the Bill of Rights for Older Persons. <br />^ Sept 19, 2006 - BOCC approval of the MAP report outline and preliminary goals and <br />objectives for public review. <br />^ Sept. -Jan., 2007 -MAP Plan presented to elected town officials, United Way, <br />agencies, county and town boards and public meetings for review, comment and <br />buy-in. HSAC Forum held Sept. 20, 2006 on "Communities Responding to an Aging <br />Society". Input Survey prepared & distributed at senior centers and place on web. <br />^ Jan 31, 2007 -MAP Plan: 2007-11- Final draft review and recommendations by the <br />MAP Steering Committee and approval of the implementation tracking process. <br />^ May 3, 2007- BOCC presented final MAP 2007-11 Report for adoption. <br />^ May 15, 2007 - BOCC review, and adopt the MAP Report for 2007-11. <br />^. May, 2007 -Dec., 2011 -Implement the MAP Plan with monitoring and annual <br />updating by the Department on Aging and the Advisory Board on Aging to the BOCC. <br />