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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 15, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. (p "~? <br />SUBJECT: Adoption of the Orange County Master Aging Plan: 2007-2011 <br />DEPARTMENT: Aging/ Advisory Board on Aging PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />MAP Task Force <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />MAP Time Line -June, 2005 -May, 2007 <br />Final MAP Report: 2007-11 (Received May 3) <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pat Sprigg, Task Force Co-chair <br />Florence Soltys, Task Force Co-chair <br />Alice Gordon, MAP Task Force Member <br />Barry Jacobs, MAP Task Force Member <br />Jerry Passmore, MAP Project Manager <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />(919) 732-8181 <br />PURPOSE: To review, modify and adopt the Orange County Master Aging Plan (MAP) update <br />covering the period 2007-2011 that was presented to the BOCC on May 3, 2007. <br />BACKGROUND: The Orange County Board of Commissioners approved on June 23, 2005 <br />updating the Master Aging Plan (MAP) for the Years 2006-2010, later changed to 2007-11. On <br />October 18, 2005, the Board of County Commissioners approved the MAP Task Force charge, <br />structure, membership and time frame -including the designation of two commissioner board <br />members, Barry Jacobs and Alice Gordon, to serve on the Steering Gommittee. The MAP <br />Steering Committee was formed and guided the activities of the three functional subcommittees: <br />(1) Well/Fit Older Adult, (2) Disabled /Moderately Impaired Older Adult and (3) the Severely <br />Impaired /Institutionalized Older Adult and the four identified broad issues subgroups <br />(Information/Access, Housing, Transportation and Transitional care) in identifying the issues and <br />arriving at the final goals, objectives and strategies. <br />Pat Sprigg and Florence Soltys were appointed co-chairs of the MAP Steering Committee and <br />guided the planning process from the kick-off orientation meeting on December 1, 2005 to the <br />final MAP presentation to the BOCC on May 3, 2007. (Attachment-MAP Time Line) Throughout <br />this period, the BOCC has received updated reports: <br />(1) On May 4, 2006, the review and approval of the MAP priority issues identified by the <br />Task Force, and <br />(2) On September 19, 2006, the review and approval of the preliminary MAP Goals and <br />Objectives, proposed Bill of Rights for Older Persons, and the new initiative in "Building <br />Aging-Friendly Communities on Orange" for public comment. <br />