Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> The proposed language changes are grouped..... by section and <br /> page. New proposed language is shown in !ft:401:iiAti*. In some cases, <br /> additional sections preceding and foilowing".-the• passage to be <br /> amended are shown to provide perspective. <br /> Section _3 .-3 - Land Use Element Categories <br /> Page 3 . 3-1 <br /> Proposed Change: Under "Basic Category" of RURAL, add category <br /> entitled 9peilitg:010iii;De#40000110#0, as shown <br /> below. <br /> RURAL Rural Buffer <br /> Rural Residential <br /> Agricultural-Residential <br /> 00010WCPelte#10404#11WOR <br /> RiiAr-gei4hbdihobd-AatIvity Node <br /> Rural Industrial Activity Node <br /> Agricultural Areas <br /> Page 3. 3-2 <br /> Proposed Change: Add description of plan category after "RURAL <br /> COMMUNITY ACTIVITY NODE" and before "RURAL <br /> BUFFER. " <br /> agatgalaraMMUEMaLlitian:40„ ...44•441 , <br /> TonaitioicatiwohiabligilfOiTrarty0100:1040.0i4CFPARWOMT :10`*4` <br /> *404:0000#14090140iiig0gt5#0 <br /> aaitktitgt-aiA4atttiMikaitattktig#ftg*:iahgaaqC:bOqS:n4gi#ZTVO# <br /> •••• <br /> Wattir;i:::::and:::::::a0WOMonfoVigNOmpw •:• : .• • •-• <br /> such <br /> *4i aid**AO*Ma, WO*: ******AttitanVainatints <br /> C:«t:vvennspactii*: <br /> Section 3 .4 - Locational Criteria <br /> Page 3.4-6 <br /> Proposed Change: After the category RURAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITY <br /> NODE and preceding the plan category section <br /> entitled RURAL BUFFER, insert the following: <br /> PLANgeliTteinIMMAM4ON IMPIOVeLiOnearpAREill <br /> •y•-..•,.......-..v.--,"--doijitiwk:thittottcvawbc,?:odttot:od <br /> 2 <br />