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21 <br /> VOTE: Unanimous . <br /> 1-;1\ I' b. Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br /> ( 1 ) CP-2-92 Proposed Open Space Development <br /> Area Land Use Plan Category <br /> Presentation Joy Marvin Collins . <br /> The proposed "Open Space Development Area" <br /> category was presented at public hearing in <br /> November. <br /> Given the fact that the University Station <br /> applicants have formally withdrawn their proposal <br /> to amend the Land Use Element of the <br /> Comprehensive Plan, the need to enact such a land <br /> use plan category at this time is questionable. <br /> An alternate approach would be to table the <br /> proposal at this time and consider it within the <br /> context of the Hillsborough Cooperative Planning <br /> Area Land Use Plan. Provided the preparation of <br /> that Plan continues on schedule, it will be <br /> presented for citizen comment at the quarterly <br /> public hearing in May, 1993 . <br /> The Planning Staff recommends that the proposed <br /> amendment be tabled. <br /> Eidenier stated that she felt it would be better <br /> to refer this to the CPZ Study Group rather than . <br /> tabling. Collins expressed agreement. <br /> Burklin expressed concern that it seemed the <br /> work of the CPZ group had stopped. Collins , <br /> responded that the Clerk to the Board of <br /> Commissioners will be attempting to set up a <br /> meeting between the two governing boards within <br /> the next two weeks . Collins continued that he <br /> had asked Staff to wait until that meeting <br /> occurs to get a clear direction. Once that <br /> occurs, Collins indicated Staff would be ready to <br /> move ahead with the Plan. <br /> MOTION: Gray moved to accept the Planning Staff <br /> recommendation to table. Seconded by Burklin. <br /> VOTE: 7 in favor. <br /> 1 opposed (Eidenier - felt it should be referred <br /> to the CPZ work group) . <br />