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20 <br /> 1 Comprehensive Plan. The proposal would add language to include a new pla <br /> 2 category entitled "Open Space Development Area" . <br /> 3 The Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1981 a <br /> 4 the Orange County Land Use Plan . In 1989 , the Board of Commissioner <br /> 3 recognized the County ' s planning policy documents under the guise c <br /> Comprehensive Plan , and the Land Use Plan became the Land Use Element. of <br /> 7 The Land Use Element is a y <br /> polic document which guides decision-making <br /> 3 on land use related issues. As such , the Element contains a number of lanc <br /> 3 use categories which reflect these goals and policies , and correspond tc <br /> 0 zoning districts containing development standards . There are currently 1 ; <br /> 1 land use categories . <br /> The proposed "Open Space ,Development Area" category would address <br /> 3 innovative open space development styles and their evaluation/applicatior <br /> 4 under the existing County plan . The amendment is also designed to address <br /> 5 concerns regarding the consistency between the Hillsborough-Orange Count, <br /> 3 Cooperative Planning Agreement and the Comprehensive Plan . <br /> 7 <br /> 3 QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND PLANNING BOAR: <br /> 3 <br /> COMMISSIONER GORDON asked if this <br /> 1 Hillsborough for their review? Marvin Collins <br /> pindicated hat would lnotobe tE <br /> 2 normal part of this procedure but it could be <br /> 3 Commissioner Gordon asked that they have an opportunity given to them for review , <br /> 4 also suggested that the RCSC review the citizen commentsoandvseparate the <br /> 3 strategies into rural and urban . <br /> 3 <br /> 7 COMMISSIONER INSKO asked that the Planning Board take citizen comments <br /> 3 into consideration in their recommendation . <br /> 3 <br /> 3 QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS : <br /> None - , <br /> 2 <br /> 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Wilihoit, seconded .by Commissioner <br /> 4 Halkiotis , to adjourn the public hearing until 7 : 30 on January 4 , 1993 at the <br /> 3 County Courthouse, Hillsborough, N . C . , to receive the Planning Board ' s <br /> 3 recommendation . <br /> 7 VOTE : UNANIMOUS <br /> 3 <br /> 7 3 . ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENTS <br /> 3 a. Z-4-92 .Hancor, Incorporated <br /> This item was presented by Mary Willis to consider a proposed <br /> 3 zoning atlas amendment. Hancor is a plastic pipe manufacturing facility <br /> located on the south side of Highway 70 between Efland and Mebane . The <br /> 4 Hancor property contains 15 . 9 acres , extending from Highway 70 to the <br /> 5 Southern Railroad at a depth of about 1100 feet. The existing structures , <br /> 3 which include a 9000 square foot manufacturing building and several metal <br /> buildings , are all located on the southernmost 150 ' of the property , adjacent <br /> to the railroad . Most of the remainder of the property is used for storage <br /> 3 of manufactured materials prior to shipping . <br /> Surrounding land uses include undeveloped proberty to the north , a 9 <br /> acre residential lot to the east , additional Hancor property to the south , <br /> and the Orange-Alamance Water System to the west. Except for the I- 1 Lignt <br />