Orange County NC Website
Excerpt from Orange County Water & Sewer Policy <br /> ?.7 <br /> GOAL 3 - DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS <br /> Within the County' s planning jurisdiction, establish <br /> development patterns compatible with the goal of directing <br /> urban growth to areas where it is desirable and can be <br /> practically and efficiently served by water and sewer <br /> facilities. <br /> A. General Policies <br /> 1. Public water and sewer facilities should be <br /> extended in accordance with the Land Use Element of <br /> the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. Such <br /> facilities will be encouraged, where they are <br /> available, in the Plan ' s Urban and Transition <br /> areas, and will be discouraged in Rural and <br /> Agricultural areas except where their provision <br /> will enhance the rural character and provide for <br /> open space by allowing clustered development. <br /> 2 . Joint planning should be developed and implemented <br /> among the County, its municipalities, surrounding <br /> jurisdictions, and utility providers responsible <br /> for water and sewer service to guide the extension <br /> of lines in accordance with joint land use plans <br /> and water/sewer service boundary agreements. <br /> B. Service Capability/Capacity/Extension Policies <br /> 1. A water or sewer system built or extended within a <br /> Transition area as defined in the Land Use Element <br /> of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan shall be <br /> designed, sized, and constructed to the standards <br /> of the probable future public utility provider. <br /> The location and size of utility easements shall be <br /> approved by and dedicated in the form of a deed of <br /> easement to the probable future public utility <br /> provider. <br /> 2 . A development project to be served by a public <br /> or private water or sewer system must be assured of <br /> installation of such service at the time it is <br /> approved. <br /> "Assured of installation" shall mean that the <br /> municipality, private association or water or <br /> sewer authority to whose system the development <br /> project is to be connected has reviewed and <br /> approved preliminary plans for proposed water <br /> and sewer lines, the adequacy of the existing <br /> system(s) to which the connection(s) will be made, <br /> the capacity of existing water and, sewer treatment <br /> facilities, the carrying capacity of the discharge <br /> stream or discharge point, and the method of <br /> funding proposed extensions of water and sewer <br /> lines. The approval by the municipality, private <br /> association, or water or sewer authority shall <br /> contain a certification that service to the <br /> -6- <br />