Orange County NC Website
use of civil penalties, criminal penalties or injunctive agree to periodically review the Cooperative Planning <br /> relief shall be initiated by the Town. The Town shall Area Land Use Plan and the Cooperative Planning Area Land <br /> have the duty to defend at its own expense and shall Use Map to consider changing conditions and <br /> indemnify and hold harmless, to the extent it can legally circumstances. This review will take place at five (5) <br /> do so, Orange County, its Board of Commissioners, its year intervals unless some lesser or greater interval is <br /> advisory boards, its staff and all members of its boards agreed by the County and the Town. <br /> and staffs, in their official and individual capacities, B. Except as provided herein, proposed amendments to the <br /> from any and all claims, actions, proceedings, expenses, text of the Orange County zoning and Subdivision <br /> damages or liabilities, including attorneys, fees and Ordinances that are applicable within the Open Space Area <br /> court coats, resulting from the Town'a administration of as well as proposed changes in zoning district <br /> the ordinances specified in Section 2.1B. classifications (i.e., zoning map changes) that affect <br /> C. Orange County shall notify Hillsborough and Hillsborough property within the Open Space Area shall be initiated <br /> shall notify Orange County as soon as practicable and adopted in accordance with the procedures set forth <br /> thereafter of any such claim, action or proceeding. in those County ordinances. All such proposals shall be <br /> Section 2.6 Text and Map Amendments. referred to Hillsborough for review and recommendation. <br /> A. Proposed amendments to the Cooperative Planning Area Land Orange County may not adopt such proposed amendments <br /> Use Plan and/or the Cooperative Planning Area Land Use until Hillsborough has made its recommendations, or until <br /> Map may be initiated by (i) Orange County or (ii) the expiration of thirty (30) days following such <br /> Hillaborough or (iii) any other person by filing a referral, whichever occurs first. <br /> request for such an amendment with Orange County. Any C. Whenever Hillsborough proposes to amend the text of its <br /> petition or request to amend the Cooperative Planning Zoning Ordinance or Subdivision Regulations, it shall <br /> Area Land Use Plan received by the County shall be deliver a copy of the full text of the proposed amendment <br /> referred to Hillaborough. No such amendment may become to Orange County not later than thirty (30) days before <br /> effective until after it has been adopted by Hillsborough the date of the public hearing on any such amendment. <br /> and Orange County following a joint public hearing by However, with the written consent of the Orange County <br /> both governing bodies. Orange County and Hillsborough Manager or his designate, this thirty 0 <br /> Y ( ) day period may <br /> 9 <br /> 10 <br /> F--' <br />