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8 <br /> - 3 <br /> for paying capital facility fees and a perpetual maintenance fee associated <br /> with the lift station and paying the entire cost of putting in the major <br /> distribution lines. That total cost is 2 . 5 million. The fiscal impact of <br /> University Station shows a surplus resulting from University Station. In <br /> terms of the fiscal impact on the school board, there is zero impact. <br /> Mr. Collins stated that there are many opportunities of- <br /> accomplishing some of the strategies that are set forth in the rural character <br /> strategies. The Planning Staff has made several recommendations. One <br /> recommendation is that, in terms of the corridor along Stoney Creek, there be <br /> a 600 foot corridor that extends through the site and designated as a wildlife <br /> corridor. In terms of the golf course, they recommend that it be removed from <br /> the wetlands and the wildlife corridor and remain less than 50% of the open <br /> space on the property. In terms of the impacts, the developer may want to <br /> consider a self-imposed impact fee to collect $330, 000 which would be used for <br /> acquisition of a future school site. They would also like to see the older <br /> structures incorporated into the design of the plan as much as possible. They <br /> would like to see the beech bluffs incorporated into the open space area. <br /> Street improvements include widening all the roads abutting the property to <br /> 24 feet, and installation of deceleration lanes and center turn lanes at any <br /> entrances into the property. They would like to see the bridge over Stoney <br /> Creek replaced so that it could provide for pedestrian as well as wildlife <br /> movement along the corridor. Both NC 10 and New Hope Church Road have been <br /> identified as potential bike routes. If the road is widened, bike lanes could <br /> be installed. In terms of the wildlife corridor, they would like to see that <br /> given over to some organization such as Triangle Land Conservancy or some <br /> other private land trust. In conclusion, there recommendation is that the ' <br /> Land Use Plan amendment be approved. There are two options. The first is to <br /> designate the property as Transition which will allow the extension of public <br /> water and sewer and allow the development of the site. The second option is : <br /> that the Open Space Development Area category be put into the Land Use Plan. <br /> This would insure that this project would stay in the county's jurisdiction <br /> and that the project be carried out in accordance with adopted open space <br /> strategies. <br /> COMMENTS FROM BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for a further explanation of the fiscal <br /> impact. Mr. Collins noted that they used the number of school age children <br /> per household as developed as a part of the school impact fee study which was <br /> lower than the number of children per household that was reported in the 1980 <br /> Census . <br /> Commissioner Willhoit made reference to the alignment of New Hope <br /> Church Road with NC 10 and asked if that realignment had any affect on the <br /> carrying capacity of the road. Mr. Collins stated that widening the roads <br /> would increase their carrying capacity. If NCDOT were requested, as part of <br /> the Transportation Improvement Program or the secondary road improvement <br /> program, to widen New Hope Church Road and NC 10 to 24 feet, it would increase -' <br /> the capacity of the road substantially. Speed limit signs need to be placed= <br /> on these two roads. <br /> Commissioner Insko clarified that the purpose of this hearing is to <br /> hear comments on the plans, goals, objectives , policies and locational <br /> criteria without respect to the particulars of the proposed project. She <br /> asked if the goals pertain to the goals of the Transition area or Open Space. <br />