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11 <br /> 6 <br /> more than half of the required open space. He noted that except for the golf <br /> course and the 30 acre recreational park, almost all the 60% open space <br /> consists of unbuildable areas as noted above. He recommends a balanced <br /> approach to open space which would include pastures, meadows and overgrown <br /> forests which is not preserved in this plan. The plan is workable but this <br /> imbalance of the Open Space Area needs to be addressed. He feels this could <br /> be done by (1) scaling back the proposal, (2) redesigning the proposal to a <br /> true neo-traditional village, or (3) legitimizing his request for a hugh 67% <br /> density bonus by preserving 500 acres of developable land elsewhere in the <br /> University Station neighborhood. To increase the acreage of neutral lands <br /> preserved as open space, the developer should also consider eliminating the <br /> golf course or at least scaling it back to nine holes. He noted that the <br /> Rural Character Study listed three goals which he feels are not included in <br /> the University Station plan. The first goal is to preserve and protect <br /> agricultural lands and managed forestry. This goal would permit farming and <br /> forestry operations to coexist. The second goal is to preserve and protect <br /> natural resources. He feels that in the University Station plan any land that <br /> is buildable is designated for house lots, streets and a golf course except <br /> for the 25 acre park on the north side of NC 10 . A third goal of the Rural <br /> Character Study is to preserve and protect visual resources. He feels the <br /> plan doesn't do a terrible job of that but could do better. Mr. Arendt feels <br /> that in return for a 67% density bonus, the plan should satisfy these three <br /> stated goals in order to get this density bonus . Extending the sewer line is <br /> going to open up the area and cause growth. He continued his presentation <br /> by showing a group of slides which demonstrate a density neutral development. <br /> Mr. Arendt indicated that he works for a land trust near Philadelphia which <br /> owns 54 nature preserves and has an active planning group which advises <br /> developers and municipalities on conservation and development strategies. <br /> In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis, Mr. Arendt <br /> stated he is serving as a consultant and the group is making a contribution <br /> to the Land Trust to cover his time and expenses . <br /> ARTHUR COGSWELL, one of the planners for University Station, stated <br /> that the issue with University Station is jobs and economic growth versus the <br /> elitist interest of a small group. They had considered doing a very high <br /> priced subdivision using a self contained sewage system as Mr. Arendt <br /> mentioned which would have cost the same as the sewer and water system. He <br /> understands that the Town of Hillsborough needs the water customers. He <br /> emphasized that this is a middle market, project. The struggle is to keep the <br /> unit prices down so that middle management and supervisors -- moderate income <br /> people can buy the houses and thus companies can be induced to move to Orange <br /> County to provide jobs and increase the tax base. They are designing this <br /> project within the existing regulations. It is not their role to propose <br /> radical changes from the existing ordinances. This project meets all the <br /> existing and the proposed regulations. They have reduced the density from <br /> 1326 to 1094 which is what they were told they could do. He explained that <br /> he and all the planners for this development are from Orange County and <br /> Raleigh. The outcome is very important to them and it is important that what <br /> they do is good for Orange County and its people on all levels . They want to <br /> be proud of this development. They are not the kind of people that would <br /> knowingly do anything to harm the environment or create other serious problems <br /> for the county. They are concerned about the misinformation and distortion <br />