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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 15, 2007 <br />Action Agen~ae <br />Item No. <br />SUBJECT: Bid Award: West Ten Soccer Field Construction and Irrigation Project <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing, ERCD, Recreation PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />and Parks <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />Bid Tabulation <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, 245-2650 <br />David Stancil, 245-2590 <br />Lori Taft, 245-2660 <br />Marabeth Carr, 960-3880 <br />Donna Coffey, 245-2151 <br />PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid to Carolina Green Corporation for field construction <br />and irrigation improvements at the West Ten Soccer Complex (Phase I of project). <br />BACKGROUND: This project has been discussed by the Board several times. While the <br />financial options were under consideration, staff and design consultant Corley, Redfoot, Zack <br />(CRZ) continued to work toward the earliest possible construction schedule. The Board <br />officially authorized full development of the West Ten Soccer Center during discussions on the <br />alternative financing package at its April 24th meeting. The portion of the project covered by this <br />contract is the final development of the field surfaces as well as the irrigation system. Five full <br />size playing fields and one smaller field will be fully constructed and Bermuda grass applied as <br />early in the growing season as possible to take advantage of the relatively short window of <br />opportunity available. Additional contracts will be brought to the Board in coming months for the <br />fencing and other site improvements. <br />Bids for Phase I were received on May 8, with three bidders responding. Bids ranged from <br />$539,400 to $592,900. An alternate was included to isolate costs on a particular brand of <br />irrigation equipment that may be provided through a grant with the U.S. Soccer Foundation: <br />The benefits of exercising the alternate is under advisement and is not included in the amount <br />requested for award at this time. <br />FINANCIAL- IMPACT: The 2001 voter approved bonds currently available to fund Phase I of <br />West Ten Soccer Complex, as outlined in the Background section, total $733,000. Additional <br />funding for further development of the Complex would be funded with Board approved <br />alternative financing totaling $2,267,000 that is planned for issuance in June 2007. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board award a bid to Carolina <br />Green Corporation for an amount not to exceed $539,400; and authorize the Purchasing <br />Director to execute paperwork as may be required. <br />