Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> that the nature and location of the subdivi- <br /> sion with respect to other development and the <br /> Comprehensive Plan are such that a private <br /> road is justified. <br /> In determining whether to permit private roads <br /> in subdivisions, the following design features <br /> will be considered: <br /> 1. The location and design of the subdivision <br /> is such that it clearly preserves the rural <br /> character of the County through: <br /> a. The provision of lot sizes and <br /> building setback lines significantly <br /> greater than required by ordinance <br /> provisions. Compliance with this <br /> standard is assured in University Lake <br /> Watershed where a subdivision is <br /> required to provide a minimum lot size <br /> of five acres. Where the minimum <br /> required lot size is less than five <br /> acres, compliance is assured when each <br /> lot in the subdivision contains at <br /> least twice the minimum required lot <br /> size; and/or <br /> (The lot sizes proposed are all considerably <br /> more than twice the minimum lot size of <br /> 0 .92 acre. Due to limited soils, only one of <br /> the proposed lots can have a new residence <br /> on it, so density will remain even lower <br /> than shown on the plat. <br /> The applicant has proposed building setbacks <br /> that are 25% larger in the front, 50% larger <br /> on the sides, and 150% larger in the rear <br /> than the minimum required. The proposed lot <br /> 4 has an existing residence on it, so the <br /> rear setback was increased to 50 feet.) <br /> b. The retention and/or provision of <br /> landscaping and use of clustering of <br /> dwelling units to screen the view of <br /> the subdivision from public roads <br /> and/or maintain a wooded or forested <br /> character, maintain scenic views, <br /> or preserve wildlife, botanical, <br /> historic, archaeological and/or <br /> recreation sites. <br /> (The site is mostly wooded. The proposed lots <br /> will not be visible from the Old Greensboro <br /> Highway. Existing trees will be protected.) <br />