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ORANGE COUNTY Action Agenda 1 <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Item No. J11-73 <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: February 16, 1993 <br /> SUBJECT: BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT #7 <br /> DEPARTMENT: Budget PUBLIC HEARING: YES NO_X_ <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Proposed Budget Amendments Budget Office, Extension 2150 <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br /> Community Health Advocacy Program Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> (CHAP) Grant Project Ordinance Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Breast and Cervical Cancer Program Durham 688-7331 <br /> Grant Project Ordinance <br /> PURPOSE: To approve proposed budget ordinance amendments. <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> 1. The Orange County Arts Commission has received two grants from the North Carolina Arts Council. The first grant, <br /> totalling $2,000 is a local government challenge grant which will enable the Arts Commission to further support <br /> the arts in Orange County. The second grant, totalling $16,636, is a grassroots grant. This grant will allow the Arts <br /> Commission to provide sub-grants to various organizations throughout the County as they promote art programs <br /> for citizens. (See block#1, page 3) <br /> 2. It is planned for the Orange County Library to become a department of Orange County local government on March 1, 1993. <br /> In the 1992-93 approved budget, $255,000 was allocated to the Library in the Contributions to Outside Agencies function. <br /> In order for this transition to occur and ensure that financial obligations are met, it is necessary to transfer <br /> four months of the Library's budgeted funds ($85,000) from the Contributions to Outside Agencies function to the <br /> Human Services function and establish the Library as a department. (See block#2, page 3) Additional funds <br /> for the Library are forthcoming from the Regional System. These funds will become available once <br /> an audit review of the Regional System is completed. Another budget amendment is anticipated during <br /> the Spring to receive these additional funds. <br /> 3. On January 19, the Board of County Commissioners accepted a four-year grant from the Kellogg Foundation to develop <br /> a Community Health Advocacy Program (CHAP). This $285,408 grant project will span four (4)years with $52,820 <br /> allocated for year 1, $93,884 for year 2, $93,884 for year 3 and$44,820 for the final year. These funds will be used <br /> to support 1.5 full-time equivalent, time-limited positions, program operating costs for the Health Department <br /> and sub-contracts to JOCCA and OCCHS for liason services. The attached Community Health Advocacy Program(CHAP) <br /> Grant Project Ordinance allocates funds for year 1; future allocations will be incorporated into the grant project ordinance <br /> as the funds are received in subsequent years. <br /> 4. The Board of County Commissioners accepted, on January 19, a grant from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) <br /> to provide screening and follow-up services for Orange County women who qualify for the State's Comprehensive Breast <br /> and Cervical Cancer Control Program. This $24,714 grant will be used by the Health Department to screen at least 191 <br /> women in Orange County. The required County match of$8,238 is included in the Health Department's existing budget. <br /> In order to provide the services associated with this program, a temporary, time-limited Public Health Nurse I position <br /> will be established, and an existing temporary Family Nurse Practitioner position's hours will be increased by 10 hours <br /> per week(on a time-limited basis). The attached Breast and Cervical Cancer Grant Project Ordinance allocates <br /> funds for this program. <br />