Orange County NC Website
i\-is. 1\~Ioon <br />~~farch 30, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />Attachnunts to be completed, signed, ~u-rd returned include the following: <br />Certii=rcation of It-latching Share (~°lttachment E) <br />o Statement of No Overdue TSLI' Debts (Attachment l-~) <br />o Grantee's ~lfhrmation of Itcceipt of`i itle VI, Section 50-1, Nondiscrimination Information <br />Poster (Attachment I-~. "Il-re F?qu>~I Opportunity Poster is enclosed. <br />® l~eder:~l Certification Regarding Debarn~ent, Suspension and Other Responsibility A4atters, <br />Dnrg-)•ree ~ti'orkplace Requirements, and I~?bbying (Ati<3chment I) <br />® assurances -Non-Coristruction Progi-<~rns (attachment J) <br />I-Iold the Grantee's Procurement Statement (1°ittac}unent IL~ and the rederal Certification Regarding <br />Debarment for Lower Tier (for the selected project consultant) (Attachment L) for completion and <br />submittal to die I-IPO grants supervisor after the county procures and selects a consultant for the <br />project. <br />0 <br />No grant activities may take place until the Grant Contract has been signed by the Office of Archives <br />and I-Iistory. The county must Follow federal and state procurement procedures to select a project <br />consultant. No activities may be performed by a project consultant until the county and the consultant <br />have sigmed a t<vo-party Project Description and Contract. The HPO ~zrill prepare the Project <br />Description and Contract, using an approved template, in consultation with the county and tl~e <br />consultant. <br />"I`he Office of State Archaeology (OSa) project speci~>Jist assigned to the project will be in touch with <br />you soon to assist with procurement of the consultant. The Office oFArchives and History's and <br />OSA's rote in the grant project, which is set forth in the Grant Contract includes guiding t11e project <br />activities, reviewing and approving the products, and approving payments to the consultant. <br />Due to Federal deadlines for spending 2007 tiPl' funds, all project activities must be satisfactorily <br />completed •~nd ~~Il Final?pnr~ Dyed _products must he submitted to the OSA b~ugust 31, 2008,_with <br />no option to e~,-tend All the county's requests For'reimbursement ofgrant funds and the <br />cornrnission's final accounting must be submitted to the I-IPO by September 30 X008 with no option <br />to extend. <br />Thank you for participating in the North Carolina historic preservation program. My staff and I look <br />Forward to working with you through the successful completion of your project. <br />Sincerely, <br />~~~r`.~._-- <br />JeF rey J~ (ro v <br />State PIistonc Preser~~ation Officer <br />cc: Secretu-y I,isbeth C. Evans <br />David I3roak, Director, Division of PListoric~~l Resources <br />Peter Sandbeck, Deputy State 1-Listoric Preservation Oll=rcer <br />1\-lelinda Coleman, Grants Supervisor, State I-Iistoric Preservation Office <br />Steve Cl, ggett; State ,lrchaeolo~;ist, Office of State -archaeology <br />Enclosures <br />