Orange County NC Website
~*soy ST,q'i~o~ <br />!~ Y 3 <br />W ,l <br />"tia n n+' ~ -L ~• <br />Cst~d yayti- <br />North Carolina Departrnent of Cultural Resources <br />hlichae] F. Fasley, Governor <br />Lisbeth G Gvans, SecreG~ry <br />Christina I\~tnon <br />I-Iistoric Res<iurces Specialist <br />C)range County <br />306 F Revere Road <br />llillsborough, NC 27278 <br />~4arch 30,2007 <br />0 <br />Office of Archives and History <br />Jeffrey J. Crow, Deputy Secretary <br />Re: I-Iollo~v Rock Access Area/New I-Iope Preserve Pliasc I Cultural and tlrchaeologic~l Resources <br />SU Care}' <br />Dear Ms. ~-loon: <br />I am pleased. to uiform you that your application for a FY 2007 Historic Preservation Fund (HPI~) <br />grant for the project referenced above has been selected for funding, contingent upon Federal <br />apportionment ~uul release of FY 2007 I-fI'Ii funds to the State of North Carolina. ~~~e anticipate Cull <br />apportionment and release in April. <br />The HPF is a federal program administered by the National Parl: Service, United States Department <br />of the Interior. HPF grants for local projects are made available to local government3, non-profit <br />orgtnizations, and educational institutions through the State Historic Preservation Office (I-IPO), <br />Division of l=l.istorical Resources, Office of Archives and History, North Carolina Department of <br />Cultural Resources. <br />1-II'I~ grant awards For local projects in 2007 total X68,600. Funded projects include an archaeologic~~l <br />imTestigation, architectural survey updates, National Register historic district nominations, the <br />preparation of local preservation commission design guidelines, and restoration of a National Regnster <br />listed cemetery. <br />The enclosed Grant Project Outline and :Budget (Attachment C to the Grant Contract) is based on <br />your grant application and the agreed upon increase u-t district size and funding and provides a brief <br />summary of anticipated activities and costs related to the project. 'I'o indicate Or~u-tge Count~T's <br />acceptance of the grant with its related conditions, please have the appropriate cow-tty offici~~] sign <br />both. copies of the Grant Contract, coanplete and sign the attachments fisted Paelo~*, and <br />rett>irn thezxa along with the county's conflict of interest policy (see Grant Contract, Section 6) <br />i)7tc <br />~~~30, 2007, to Z\4elinda Coleman, Grlnts Supen-isor, State ]4istoric Preservation Office, 46'17 <br />Iv~t:1il Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4617. ~1s. Coleman may be contacted by telephone at 9'19- <br />733-4763 X250 or. by email at mclinda.c.coleman(c,1~,.,ncnriilalet. <br />,.1i`~lI.3IVG ADDRE~~'i LCCt~TIC~N <br />d~51{) »1ai1 Sis~~iae Cenh~ 'i'elr_phonc 919-£s07-7?~O 764 Fast Jones Street <br />]~a}cigh, NC 27699-4610 Fa: 919-733-5807 1Zalei~h, NC 27 601 <br />