Orange County NC Website
The proposed system includes mobile tablet computers that EMS paramedics and EMTs will <br />use on-scene to document patient assessment and treatment. The tablet computers will be able <br />to import various data that is already collected by medical equipment during EMS evaluations. <br />By capturing information electronically at the earliest point during patient contact, opportunities <br />for errors in data entry or transcription are removed, and a thorough electronic record of the <br />patient's condition is maintained. Electronic medical records provide opportunities for significant <br />improvements in quality assurance and improvement initiatives, and reduce the workload for <br />administrative staff involved in program management and revenue operations. The proposed <br />system includes vehicle mounted computers and printers for the county's twelve paramedic <br />response vehicles and vehicle mounted computers for the county's eight ambulance vehicles, <br />plus four additional computers for administrative and maintenance use. The proposed system <br />also includes appropriately redundant servers for both the patient medical records and the billing <br />records. Staff estimates that implementation of the system, including hardware and software <br />purchases, installation into vehicles, and training of personnel will be possible within three to six <br />months of approval. Also included in the CIP were laptop computers, printers and accessories <br />to be used in the rescue vehicles. As it does with technology purchases, these items will be <br />purchased through the North Carolina State Contract. A copy of the equipment list necessary <br />for the system is attached. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of the reporting software plus the first year maintenance <br />contract totals $171,991, and the anticipated cost of the hardware is $97,999.88, for a total of <br />$269,990.88. Funds were included in the 2006-2007 CIP. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: 1) award a bid for ZOLL <br />Data Systems Rescuenet software to ZOLL Data Systems, Inc. of Broomfield, Colorado at a <br />total first year cost of $171,991.2) authorize the Purchasing Director to purchase the hardware <br />from the North Carolina State Contract and 3) authorize the Purchasing Director to execute the <br />necessary paperwork. <br />