Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 15, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. ~--F <br />SUBJECT: Bid Award: EMS Patient Care Reporting Software <br />DEPARTMENT: Purchasing, Emergency PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />Management, Revenue, IT <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />System Description/Cost <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Pam Jones, 245-2652 <br />Kent McKenzie, 968-2050 <br />Jo Roberson, .245-2728 <br />Todd Jones, 245-2285 <br />PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid for an EMS Patient Care Reporting Software to ZOLL <br />Data Systems, Inc. of Broomfield, Colorado. <br />BACKGROUND: The North Carolina Office of EMS has mandated EMS providers to have <br />electronic patient care reporting data systems to establish trends and improve quality of patient <br />care outcomes. County staff set out to find a system that best met the County's needs and <br />would streamline patient care both internally and externally. The new system will also have a <br />billing module that will be utilized by the Revenue Department that integrates with reporting <br />software. <br />Recognizing inefficiencies in the current paper documentation system and its multiple electronic <br />data entry requirements, staff proposed implementation of an integrated field data collection and <br />reporting system during the budget process last year. Funding for such a system was set aside <br />in the amount of $270,000. <br />The Board will recall from previous instances, that NC G.S. 143-129 allows local governments to <br />use the "piggy-back" acquisition method to obtain items without a separate bid procedure. If a <br />contractor is willing to extend the same or more favorable price and other terms to the local <br />government, the law allows that the acquisition may be made from a contractor that has, within <br />the past 12 months, contracted to furnish the item to: (1) the federal government or any federal <br />agency; (2) the State of North Carolina or any agency or political subdivision of the state; or (3) <br />any other state or agency or political subdivision of that state. The acquisition contemplated <br />would be "piggy-backed" on a bid awarded by Moore County North Carolina, on November 6, <br />2006 to ZOLL Data Systems, Inc. of Broomfield, Colorado for their Rescuenet Tablet Based <br />system. The statute that authorizes "piggy-back" bids requires that the entity advertise its <br />intentions ten (10) days prior to a meeting in which the matter is to be considered. Orange <br />County has fulfilled that requirement. <br />