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Lee Farm Conservation Easement BOCC Draft (j <br />notification from MRCS that (a) there is a substantial, ongoing event or circumstance of non- <br />compliance with the Conservation Plan, (b) MRCS has worked with the Grantors to correct such <br />noncompliance, and (c) Grantors have exhausted their appeal rights under applicable MRCS <br />regulations. <br />If the NRCS standards and specifications for highly erodible land are revised after the <br />date of this Grant based on an Act of Congress, MRCS will work cooperatively with the Grantors <br />to develop and implement a revised Conservation Plan. The provisions of this section apply to <br />the highly erodible land conservation requirements of the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection <br />Program and are not intended to affect any other natural resources conservation requirements to <br />which the Grantors may be or may become subject. <br />10. Forest Management <br />Trees maybe removed, cut, and otherwise managed to control insects and disease, to <br />prevent personal injury and property damage, to remove non-native species, for pasture <br />restoration, for firewood, and for other non-commercial uses, including construction of permitted <br />improvements and fences on the Property, so long as done in accordance with the Conservation <br />Plan referenced in Paragraph 9 of this Conservation Easement and in accordance with a forest <br />management plan prepared by a professional licensed forester approved by Grantee, such <br />approval to not be unreasonably withheld, that is consistent with the above referenced <br />Conservation Plan. <br />Ariy other cutting, removal, or harvesting of trees, including any commercial harvesting <br />of trees, maybe undertaken only if the purpose is for clearing land for cultivation or use by <br />livestock, and it is in accordance with the Conservation Plan and forest management plan <br />referred to in this Paragraph 10. <br />Trees may be planted, harvested and removed within the areas identified and marked as <br />"Farmstead Area" and "Residential Envelope" on Exhibit B without the. advance written <br />permission of the Grantee, so long as done in accordance with the Conservation Plan and forest <br />management plan referred to in this Paragraph 10. <br />11. Mining <br />There shall be no filling, excavation, dredging, mining or drilling, removal of topsoil, <br />sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals or other materials; and no change in the topography of the land <br />in any manner except as necessary for the purpose of a) combating erosion or flooding. in <br />accordance with the Conservation Plan, b) any maintenance, construction, or reconstruction on <br />the Property permitted herein, and c) the construction of one pond not to exceed one acre in the <br />approximate location identified and marked as "Future Pond" on Exhibit B. Disturbed areas for <br />the purpose of removing soil, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials necessary for <br />permitted customary agricultural uses on the Property will be limited to one acre in total surface <br />area and will be restored as soon as practicable after the disturbance. Under no circumstances is <br />the drilling for or exploration for hydrocarbons permitted in, on, or to the Property. <br />Page 8 of 17 <br />