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Statement from Richard Moe on Preservation Month 2007 ~ National Trust for Historic Pr... Page 2 of 3 <br />. Community & Countryside <br />. Better Boards <br />. PLT/Advanced <br />. Preservation Leadershp_Training <br />1VIay Is Preservation IVlonth <br />Statement from Richard Moe, President, National Trust for Historic Preservation <br />Carousel Gardens, New Orleans <br />During Preservation Month 2007, the National Trust and its partners and <br />friends across America have much to celebrate. American enthusiasm for <br />historic preservation is stronger than ever, and we are working more <br />effectively than ever -protecting the places that people care about; <br />sparking a renewed sense of community pride; bringing new investment, <br />new jobs and new economic vitality to historic commercial areas; keeping <br />our history alive and close at hand so we can live with it, learn from it and <br />be inspired by it. <br />This spirit is captured in the theme for Preservation Month 2007: <br />Preservation Works! <br />You don't have to look far for plenty of evidence. All over America, <br />there's hardly a city or town where houses and storefronts haven't been <br />"fixed up" with pride; where underused or obsolete buildings haven't been <br />put to new and sometimes innovative uses; where important older volunteer paints a wooden <br />buildings, neighborhoods and landscapes haven't been inventoried and horse at Carousel Gardens, <br />protected in some way; where historic sites aren't heavily marketed to New Orleans <br />attract tourists. In short, the impact of preservation can be seen almost <br />everywhere, and it is making a real difference in both the appearance and the quality of life in countless <br />communities. <br />Of course we still have much to do: Too many traditional business districts are still being drained of their <br />vitality by sprawl. Too many older neighborhoods are still losing their character to an epidemic of <br />teardowns. Too many historic resources on public lands -especially archaeological sites that link us with <br />the first Americans -are still being damaged or destroyed by looting, vandalism, inappropriate use and <br />inadequate funding. Too many sound older buildings stand vacant while the need for affordable housing <br />has never been greater. Preservation Month is a great time for us to strengthen our determination to find <br />solutions to these and other problems that put our heritage at risk. <br />Equally important, Preservation Month is a great time for us to take a victory lap - to take stock of the <br />many ways in which preservation is working to improve the livability of our communities and ensure a <br />bright future for our past. With this in mind, the National Trust today launches the third annual observance <br />of National Preservation Month, acoast-to-coast celebration of our nation's diverse and unique heritage. I <br />invite everyone to mark the occasion by participating in local and regional events throughout the month - <br />and by supporting the work of the National Trust and other preservation organizations throughout the year. <br />Get Involved <br />Read the Sample National Preservation Month Proclamation, and use it to promote preservation in your <br />community. <br />file://C:\Documents and Settings\mallison\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2... 4/24/2007 <br />