Orange County NC Website
Environmental <br /> Assessment Checklist <br /> commuee,ogle'. <br /> 1. Sucply a clear. legible map of the proposed site and surrounding area. Mark area to De acquired and construction site. <br /> 2 Utilities <br /> litiuues to serve Project Protected Demand i.en¢th of Lines to be Caoeci v of 11nes E nvironmentalry Sensitive Arras <br /> Per Day Constructed I Inches diameter+ to be Cut(for Utility acres <br /> Electric <br /> unknown unknown <br /> Potable Water <br /> 5,000 GPD <br /> 6" <br /> Sesvaae 5,250 GPD 8" <br /> :Solid waste Disposal 1 TON <br /> ?Natural Gas <br /> unknown unknown unknown <br /> water <br /> N/A N/A N/A <br /> I3. Land Alterations <br /> Alteration f Present Use Previous Use l Percent of <br /> (planned use.) I (before ebonize) (historical) Acres I Project Area <br /> 1 To Be Acquired <br /> Vacant Vacant 5.9 ' 100% <br /> To Be Developed ti tt II tt <br /> To Be Originally Cleared <br /> I ' it n II it <br /> iTo Be Landscaped <br /> I, it ,, it <br /> To Be Covered by Impermet <br /> i able Surface(square feet) i " " I " I 60% <br /> l To Be Cut(cubic yards) <br /> N/A I N/A 1i N/A. <br /> To Be Filled(cubic yards) N/A N/A ! N/A <br /> 4.Cultural Resources(archeological. hiSiDfiClii,architectural) <br /> la)Please give any known archeological or historical, sites on project land: <br /> • <br /> None <br /> ib)What icind, if any, site preparation has already been conducted: <br /> None <br /> c) teas area been previously surveyed by araleologist? If so, give name of pnrcipal investigator and date of survey: <br /> No <br /> id)_YES xx NO Are buildings/structures on site rtoW?(abandoned barns,farmhouse,tobacco sheds,bridges,etc.) <br /> e) Ages of each building/structure: <br /> N/A <br /> 1f)Will any of these structures be demolished?(indicate which): <br /> N/A <br /> g)Will any of these structures be rehabilitated or renovated?(indicate which): • <br /> N/A <br /> h)Please include photographs of any buildings constructed prior to WWII if project activities include Rehabilitation,Acquisition, <br /> Clearance or Demolition. <br /> N/A <br /> 31 <br />