Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:505DF67F-22A8-4429-B254-C31 FF4638A8F <br /> Page 4 of 9 <br /> follow-up should include two telephone calls and a written letter or email, and may <br /> include a home visit. <br /> 5. Provide support and guidance to MDPP participants in the lifestyle program and <br /> implement standard curriculum designed for the lifestyle program by the CDC. <br /> 6. Deliver the program in a way that increases the capacity of MDPP participants to make <br /> and sustain positive lifestyle changes. This includes understanding and being sensitive to <br /> issues and challenges for individuals trying to make and sustain significant lifestyle <br /> changes. <br /> 7. Enter participant and program data into the MDPP database on a weekly basis. <br /> 8. Maintain an outreach log to track correspondence with MDPP participants. <br /> 9. Participate in all mandatory NC OMHHD training sessions and monthly MDPP lifestyle <br /> coach calls organized by the NC OMHHD and the CCCPH in the Chronic Disease and <br /> Injury Section. <br /> 6. Conduct a targeted marketing and awareness campaign utilizing existing DPH DPP and CDC <br /> materials in minority communities using 10-15% of the budget. Marketing is to include one or more <br /> of the following: <br /> a. Billboards and bulletins in minority neighborhoods <br /> b. Running advertisements in English and Spanish on English and Spanish-language radio stations <br /> that rank highly in the target minority communities <br /> c. Direct mail, social media, PSAs, TV ads and other approval media outlets <br /> d. Recruitment at community events <br /> e. Recruitment at clinical offices (such as flyers and posters) <br /> f. Healthcare provider information about prediabetes <br /> g. Worksite education and outreach. <br /> 7. Screen for prediabetes a minimum of 225 people, ages 18 years and older. The Local Health <br /> Department may screen more than the minimum number for prediabetes, if screening is being used <br /> as one of several strategies to identify,refer and enroll people in MDPP Lifestyle classes (Lifestyle <br /> classes). One of these screening methods is to be used: <br /> a. A CDC prediabetes paper screening which requires a score of 9 and above to indicate the <br /> presence of prediabetes. The CDC prediabetes paper screening can be found at <br /> <br /> b. A prediabetes paper screening from the American Diabetes Association (ADA) which requires a <br /> score of 4 and above to indicate the presence of prediabetes. The ADA prediabetes paper <br /> screening can be found at <br /> c. Plasma glucose measured 2 hours after a 75 gm glucose load, with a result of 140 to 199 mg/d1 <br /> d. A fasting blood glucose score of 100 to 125mg/d1, <br /> e. An Alc test resulting in a level of 5.7-6.4 percent, or <br /> f. Clinically diagnosed gestational diabetes mellitus during a previous pregnancy(may be self- <br /> reported) <br /> From the population screened for prediabetes, refer 100% of eligible people to the MDPP and refer <br /> 100% of persons whose screening numbers indicate diabetes into diabetes self-management <br /> education programs. Document all referrals and include the number of referrals made in the <br /> performance reports. <br /> Revised July 2015 <br />