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. � � <br /> ti 10q; <br /> Mr. Simmons and other staff members responded to questions from the Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Hillhuit asked if there was a decrease of State funding this year; <br /> Dr. Simmons said there was a 1.75% decrease of State funding. Commissioner Nillhnit <br /> asked what the Board of Education members had done in response to the decreasing <br /> State funds for current expense; he asked how the County was to provide mandated <br /> services (and from where these mandated services emanated) if the State didn't pro- <br /> vide funding. He noted that County revenues were up by about 2% while the County was <br /> asked to fund the Orange County Schools at an 8% increase. Commissioner Willhnit <br /> added that the County could not meet the total education needs necessary with <br /> the State basically having a "no increase budget;" he said current expense funding <br /> on the State level was decreasing each year and the County had difficulty meeting <br /> other educational needs while picking up this deficit. Mr. Lunsford said he thought <br /> State funds would increase later while Dr. Simmons said the State's explanation <br /> was that the Federal Government was cutting the State. Commissioner Whitted said <br /> a shifting of responsibility for funding was occurring. <br /> Commissioner Whitted thanked the Orange County Board of Education members and <br /> Staff for the budget preoentation. <br /> F. ITEMS FOR BOARD DECISION <br /> 1. Grant Application (III-B, Older Americans Act): Commissioner uillhnit <br /> moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, approval of the grant application for <br /> the I][-B Older Americans Act grant funds. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, U. <br /> 2. Vacant County Positions: Commissioner Nillhoitmoved, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Marshall, approval of the filling of the Recreation District Supervisor and Assistant <br /> Truck Driver positions. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, O. <br /> 3. Proposed Water and Sewer Extension Policy; and 4. Requests for Special <br /> Public Hearings: The Board postponed action on these two items until the May 19, <br /> 1982, meeting. <br /> 5. Budget Work Session Calendar: By consensus the Board of Commissioners set <br /> the following budget calendar: <br /> May 25, Department of Social Services and Mental Health; May 27, Public Health, <br /> Department of Aging and RSVP; June 7, a general work session; June 8, Public Hearing <br /> on the budget; June 9, 10, and 17 were reserved as work sessions; June 15, regular <br /> meeting; June 22, budget adoption. <br />