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instructions that the sight distance be checked. Mr. Polatty said the sight <br /> distance was 243' with a stopping distance of 265' on SR 1710. With this additional <br /> information, Commissioner Gustaveson moved to approve the Planning Board's recom- <br /> mendation of approval for the preliminary plat of Rustic Acres Subdivision; [nm- <br /> missinner Walker seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, O. <br /> b. John McCormick Property: Mr- Polatty described the subdivision to the Board <br /> adding that this request included a request for a variance from the right-of-way <br /> requirements. Both Planning Staff and Planning Board recommend denial based <br /> on the condition of the road, width of the right-of-way on the road and the total <br /> number of lots on the existing road. Mr. McCormick told the Board the develop- <br /> ment had obtained the 20' right-of-way easement from the property owner under <br /> threat of condemnation and further easement was not likely to be forthcoming <br /> from this owner, The County Attorney told the Board it lacked the authority <br /> to grant less than a 30' foot easement. Commissioner Marshall moved to deny <br /> the minor subdivision request of John McCormick on the grounds that the Board <br /> lacked "the authority to do anything else." Chaitmun Whitted said the motion <br /> died for lack of a second whereupon Commissioner Nillboit said he would second <br /> Commissioner Marshall 's motion if she would accept an amendment to state the <br /> reasons for denial include those listed by the Planning Board and Staff (see <br /> this paragraph for those reasons), Commissioner Marshall accepted amendment <br /> to her motion. Vote: Ayes, 4 (Commissioners Gustaveson, Marshall , Nillhnit <br /> and Whitted); noes, 1 (Commissioner Walker). <br /> c. Preliminary Plat Fred E. Roberts Property: Mr- Polatty described this <br /> property for the Board. Commissioner Walker moved, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Gustaveson, to approve the Preliminary Plat of the Fred E. Roberts property with <br /> the condition stipulated by the Planning Board (that is, a drainage easement <br /> on the stream and the width of the easement to be determined by the Erosion <br /> Control Officer). Vote: Ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br /> E9 <br /> ' . Zoning Alternatives in Murphy School Area <br /> Discussion of this item was moved up in order tn accommodate Mr. Art Vann who <br /> had commitments for the time it was previously scheduled. The Board allowed <br /> Staff to make its presentation and those who were present were allowed to <br /> address the Board, however, a decision was delayed until the afternoon session <br /> to permit others who wished to be present an opportunity to be heard, (For <br /> the sake of clarity and conciseness all discussion which occurred on this item <br />