Orange County NC Website
800 <br /> #5--/ Clerk's note: There is no number 5./ <br /> #6—He said that with regard to urban serTaces, i.e. fire, water, <br /> police protection, they are willing to do whatever needs to be <br /> done; he feels they should not be grouped in with any future <br /> development. <br /> Mr. Mehler then addressed the conditions which Planning recommended <br /> Should the Boards find the development acceptable: <br /> #1-2-3-4-5-6—Acceptable. <br /> #7-50,000 gallon tank with gravity flow system is the ultimate goal <br /> With stand by pump as recommended by the Fire Department. <br /> #8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15—Acceptable. <br /> #16—Will do whatever DOT wants. <br /> #17—The setbacks are excessive. <br /> #18--The developer and Mr. Mohler disagree. <br /> #19--Mr. Mehler asserts that he doeSn't know why the Planning Department <br /> wants this submitted as a Planned Development Office-IndustriP1. <br /> They do not want industrial development nor do they plan it. <br /> #20-21-22—Acceptable. <br /> Mr. Mehler concluded his presentation and response to Staff recommendations <br /> by saying this was a thoroughly planned project, carefully thought out. They <br /> feel this location is the best one available for this use and hope the case <br /> will be decided on its merits. <br /> Planning Board Member Irvin had several questions of Staff and the develop- <br /> er's representative. <br /> Mr. Irvin: Are there other sites available for a general aviation <br /> airport in Orange County? <br /> Mr. Luce: Yes, we initially surveyed sixty-nine sites. <br /> Nt. Irvin: Are scne- as satisfactory or more so than Midway? <br /> Mr. Luce: Yes. <br /> Mr. Irvin: Are other sites in the Land Use Plan suitable to industrial <br /> development, for example, along I-85? <br /> Mr. Luce: Yes, several. <br /> Mr. Irvin: Are some of those sites closer than the Triangle J Survey's <br /> choices; are some closer to Durham and to.Hillsborough? <br /> Mr. Luce: Yes. <br /> Mr. Irvin: Asked that Mr. Luce read "for the record" comments on the <br /> "Runway Approach Surfaces" from Mr. Matthews' letter. <br /> Mr. Luce: reading from Mr. Matthews' letter: <br /> 1. For Utility Airports, approach surface begins 200' beyond <br /> end of runway and slopes upward from runway elevation at a 20 <br /> to 1 ratio (1 foot vertically for 20 feet horizontally) . For <br /> runways without instrument approaches, surface is 250' at run- <br /> way end, 1,000' long, and 450' wide at outer end. For those <br /> with instrument approaches, surface is 500' by 1,000 by 800'. <br />