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are meant to be changed with sufficient reason and he felt his reasons were <br /> sufficient. In reference to Article 6.2.2.a, Mr. Mehler said they don't believe <br /> urban services will develop beyond this site, nor does he believe that additional <br /> development will be encouraged. He feels that conmuters from this area, <br /> Hillsborough, Chapel Hill will use the services. He feels that other develop- <br /> ment will be discouraged because of watershed problems, and water and sewer <br /> problems, which they've solved. He feels that precedent was set when Adam & <br /> Eve opened upt this did not encourage additional development. Fbr Article- - <br /> 8.2.4, solid waste disposal will be cared for by the owners. For the 'tire <br /> Department conditions, all were accepted. The developer is willing to change <br /> the road access to whatever DCT wants. With regard to the designation and <br /> request for a Planned Development--Cffice Institutional, Mr. Mehler said he <br /> had shown this because the Planning Department had told him to use that desig- <br /> natinn after changing its mind several tines. <br /> Mr. Mehler said he did not understand why under Artile 7.16.2 a motel/ <br /> restuarant is not/are not permitted uses; he said this is a support service. <br /> For Artilce 7.16.3, he said it was a semantic question; for Article 7.16.5 <br /> Mr. Mehler said this was the first time he had seen this particular. require- <br /> rent for setbacks and he felt it should be discussed. For Article 7.16.6, <br /> Mr. Mehler said they will conform; for the screening which wasn't shown, he <br /> said the site plan shown was "conceptvP1 in hature" and he didn't know how <br /> you could determine what was enough screening. He said individual site plans <br /> for each bnilding would be subnatted at the time it was planned to be built and <br /> that site plan would indicate screening. He added that under (b) walkways would <br /> be shown on large site plans. In 7.16.4, he feels that Planning Staff <br /> had made an inappropriate response. <br /> Mr. Mehler then responded to Planning Staff's reasons for recorrnending <br /> denial of the request for the Class A Special Use Permit for the Airpark: <br /> l--Mr, Mehler said the developer was asking for an exception to <br /> the Land Use Plan. <br /> 2--No response. <br /> #3--It will not encourage developnent, due to watershed, lack of watf.r/ <br /> sewer in the surrounding areas, and due to the expense involved. <br /> Plus the Adam & Eve development experience did not encourage <br /> development; he believes the development level encompassed by the <br /> Midway Airpark and Airport is so high that no one else could <br /> afford to do it. <br /> #4—This is in response tothe 0-I designation which Mr. Mehler feels <br /> he has already covered; this is a PD not an 0-I. <br />