Orange County NC Website
' ------ <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Department and Agency Heads <br /> FROM: County Manager <br /> DATE; February 9, 1982 <br /> RE: 1982-83 Service Program and Budget <br /> Transmitted herewith are instructions for compiling the 1982-83 <br /> Orange County Service Program and Budget. You will as before be pro- <br /> ��� jecting revenues and expenditures into the coming year. In addition <br /> ���/ this budget is aimed at providing the Board and the citizens a descrip- <br /> tion of the plan of work that expense of the funds will produce. This <br /> goes beyond listing inputs (size of staff, number of vaiclem, cost of <br /> building operation and so forth) and focuses on service outputs. Each <br /> of you know what your department produces in the way of services. To <br /> state this in terms of the type and quantities involved will aid the <br /> taxpayer to understand what he or she is getting for the tax dollar <br /> and aid ourselves in planning the workload. <br /> The Program Performance Data Form (Budget #3) is the chief document <br /> for stating service outputs. By dividing cost allocation by the service <br /> quantity. A unit cost can be shown and compared over time. <br /> The Program Objectives Form (Budget #2) is another way for expressing <br /> workload and the changes, if any, that will be undertaken. Once approved <br /> by the Board through budget adoption we will schedule and report the prn- <br /> ��� '~ <br /> ���| gress made on a quarterly basis. <br /> Other forms have to do with revenue and cast projection. <br /> The Revenue Projection Form (Budget #5) calls for an indication of <br /> revenue by programs and source of funds. With shifting federal and state <br /> percentage contributions on intergovernmental programs such detail will <br /> help to account for changes. For other programs it will help identify <br /> where tax funding is offset by fees. <br /> The Account Form (Budget #7) is the place for expenditure nequest. <br /> It is the same as last year except for the distinction drawn between <br /> "current" and "program improvement or reduction." Current level is <br /> the cost you project for doing the same level of service in the coming <br /> year as being done now--utilizing the same staff and operation expense <br /> adjusted for minor price escalation, if that has occurrpd. The column <br /> headed program improvement or reduction should be used if you are request- <br /> ing a major change in service level . Upward change would be in the form <br /> ��� �� <br />