Orange County NC Website
<br />The Board will consider awarding a bid not to exceed $10,076,838 and approving a contract with Bordeaux <br />Construction, Inc., Durham, NC for the 40,227 square foot new construction and renovation of the Orange <br />County Justice Facility; and to approve the withdrawal of a bid «~ithout forfeiture of accompanying bid bond <br />from DeVere Construction Company, pursuant to NC GS 143-129.1; and authorize the Manager to execute <br />change orders as may be required and authorize the Chair to sign subject to review by the County Attorney. <br />d. C"omprehensive Housing Strategy <br />The Board will consider the approval of a Comprehensive Housing Strategy prepared for Orange County <br />including the Towns of CarY•boro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough. <br />e. Ten (14) Year Plan to End Homelessness <br />The Board will consider acceptance of the 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness in Orange County and the <br />appointment of a BOCC Representative to the Executive Team. <br />f. Planning for Possible School-based Health Center in Orange County School District <br />The Board will consider participating in consideration of a school-based health center in the Orange County <br />School District and to appoint a liaison to the planning group. <br />7. Reports <br />a. Report -Water Resources Program Proposal <br />The Board will receive a report on the «~ater resources discussions of the Board of Health/Commission for <br />the Environment joint work group and the subsequent Water Resources Program Phased Implementation <br />Proposal. <br />b. SAPFOTAC (Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance Technical Advisory Committee} Class <br />Size Amendment Information <br />The Board will receive response to questions raised at the Nlarch 27, 2007 BOCC meeting regarding <br />amendments to class size ratios and school capacity. <br />8. Board Conunents <br />9. Comity Manager's Report <br />1~. Apponitments <br />a. Agricultural Presers~ation C.."ommission -New Appovitments <br />The Board «Till consider making appointments to the Agricultural Preservation Commission. <br />b. Chapel Hill Planning Board -New Appointment <br />The Board will consider making one new appointment to the Chapel Hill Planning Board. <br />c. Economic Development Commission -New Appointment <br />The Board «-ill consider making a new appointment to the Economic Development Commission. <br />d. Human Relations Committee -New Appointments <br />The Board will consider making appointments to the Human Relation conunission (HRC). <br />11. Closed Session <br />12. bifoi•mation Items <br />• Memo from Aging Director to County Manager Regarding Transition of Seniors from Northside to the <br />New Seymour Center <br />13. Adjournment <br />