Orange County NC Website
<br />(2) Animal Services Advisory Board -Reappointments <br />The Board will consider making reappointments to the Animal Services Advisory Board. <br />(3) Hyconeechee Library Board of Trustees -Reappointment <br />The Board ~~-i11 consider making one reappointment to the Hyconeechee Library Board of Trustees. <br />(4) Information Technology Advisory Committee -Reappointments <br />The Board will consider making reappointments to the Information Technology Advisory Committee. <br />c. Motor Vehicle Property Tax ReleaselRefunds <br />The Board will consider adoption of a refund resolution related to 59 requests for motor vehicle property tax <br />releases or refunds in accordance «~ith North Carolina General Statutes. <br />d. Child Support Attorney Contract <br />The Board will consider contracting with Coleman, Gledhill, Hargrave and Peek to provide legal <br />representation for the Child Support Office and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />e. Change vi BOCCy Regular 1LZeeti~ig Schedule for 2007 <br />The Board will consider one change and one clarification in the County Commissioners' regular meeting <br />calendar for year 2007. <br />f. Bid Award: EMS Patient Care Reporting Software <br />The Board will consider awarding a bid for an EMS Patient Care Reporting Software to ZOLL Data <br />Systems, Inc. of Broomfield, Colorado at a total first year cost of $171,991 and authorize the Purchasing <br />Director to execute the necessary paperwork and purchase the hardware from the North Carolina State <br />Contract. <br />g. Acceptance of Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) Grant for Cultural & Archaeological Survey <br />(New Hope Preserve) <br />The Board will consider accepting a Historic Preservation Fund grant of $9,000 to offset the cost of a <br />cultural and archaeological survey for Hollow Rock Access Area open space project scheduled for an <br />upcoming joint master plan design and authorize the I~~Ianager to sign the contract. <br />h. Application for State Public School Building Capital Funds and NC Education Lottery 117onies <br />The Board «~•ill consider approving applications to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to <br />release funds from Orange County's Public School Building Capital Fund an NC Education Lottery account <br />and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />i. Budget Amendment #12 <br />The Board will consider approving budget and school capital project ordinance amendments for fiscal year <br />2006-0'7. <br />j. Bid Award: 'Vest Ten Soccer Field Construction and Irrigation Project <br />The Board «Till consider awarding a bid to Carolina Green Corporation for field construction and irrigation <br />improvements at the West Ten Soccer Complex for an amount not to exceed $539,400; and authorize the <br />Purchasing Director to execute paper«~ork as may be required. <br />5. Public Hearings <br />6. Regular :agenda <br />a. Acloption of the Orange Comity 11~laster Aging Plan: 2007-2011 <br />The Board «~~ill consider revie~~~~ing, modifying and adopting the Orange County Master Aging Plan (MAP) <br />update covering the period 2007-2011 that was presented to the BOCC on Nlay 3, 2007. <br />b. Allocation of 2001 County Parks Band Funds to Southern Commwiity Park <br />The Board will consider appropriating a$925,000 from the 2001 County Parks and Open Space Bond to the <br />Town of Chapel Hill's Southern Conununity Park for the construction of three soccer fields. <br />c. Justice Facility Expansion Bid Award and Contract Approval <br />