Orange County NC Website
00438 <br /> Ordinance requires: Findings <br /> The applicant owns the remaining <br /> property adjacent to the site, <br /> 5. Yards, fences, walls or 5. It is the applicants stated <br /> vegetative screening, at intent to minimize grading and <br /> teh edges of the PD-H district clearing on this site, since <br /> shall be such as to provide it is wooded no additional <br /> protection for the develop- landscaping or screeing should - - <br /> went adjacent properties. be required. <br /> 6. Height limits at the edge 6. Maximum height limits will be <br /> of Pb-H districts shall be as met by all structures in this <br /> set forth in Articles 5 and development. <br /> Articles 6. <br /> 7. signs visible from outside 7. All signs for this project shall <br /> the district shall be according be in accordance with Article 9. <br /> to Article 9- <br /> b) Internal Relationships. <br /> The site plan shall provide for safe, <br /> efficient, convenient and harmonious <br /> groupings of structures, uses and <br /> facilities, and for preservation of <br /> desirable natural features and minimum <br /> disturbance of natural topography- <br /> 1. Streets, drives and parking. 1. The proposed street pattern pro- <br /> Streets and drives shall provide vides adequate internal ciruclation. <br /> safe, and convenient access to The parking proposed will be off the <br /> units and other facilities- street; 2 spaces/unit are designatc,T.. <br /> Streets shall discourage through The cul-de-sac layout minimizes th <br /> traffic and blocks shall be laid number of vehicles using the secondary <br /> out to maximize efficient use of roads. <br /> the Property. <br /> 2. Vehicular access to streets 2- The site plan with the proposed <br /> shall be limited and controlled, parking layout minimizes friction <br /> If the street serves less than between the parked vehicles, the <br /> 50 units parking can be directly circulation of vehicles and pedestrian <br /> off the street. <br /> If the street serves More than <br /> 50 units parking shall be from <br /> controlled points. <br /> 3. Ways for pedestrians and 3. The circulation proposed minimizes <br /> cyclists Walkways shall form the points pedestrians and motor <br /> a safe logical and convenient vehicles conflict. It allows acct <br /> system for pedestrian access to recreation areas without util: ng <br /> to all units, project facilities streets, <br /> and any principal off site des- <br /> tinations- <br /> 4. Protection of visibility 4. The site plan adequately <br /> for automobile traffic, addresses visability protection <br /> cyclists and pedestrians. 17 for motor vehicles, pedestrians, <br /> and cyclists, by separating them <br /> to a large degree. <br />