Orange County NC Website
00 4 a2 <br /> Ordinance requires: Findings: <br /> a) The use will not promote the a) There have been no findings <br /> public health, safety and general the the project would not promote <br /> welfare, if located where proposed the public health, safety, and <br /> and developed according to the plan welfare. <br /> as submitted; <br /> b) The use will not maintain or b) No evidence was presented to <br /> enhance the value of contiguous the Planning Staff to show that <br /> property (unless the use is a it will not enhance or maintain <br /> public necessity, in which case property values of contiguous <br /> the use need not maintain or en- property. <br /> hence the value of contiguous <br /> property); <br /> c) The sue is not in compliance c) This project is located in the <br /> with the general plans for the Agricultural-Residential area as <br /> physical development of the county indentified in the Land Use Plan. <br /> as embodied in these regulations The project is located in the <br /> or in the Comprehensive Plan, or forested portion of an existing farm. <br /> portion thereof, adopted by the The location of the project and the <br /> Board of County Commissioners, type of sewage disposal system pro- <br /> posed will not adversely affect <br /> the continued use of the remaining <br /> portion of the land for agricultural <br /> purposes. Further this project adds <br /> to the diversity and quantity of <br /> housing available in Orange County <br /> The project is in substanital com- <br /> pliance with the following goals <br /> and policies set forth in the Land <br /> Use Plan, inlcuding: <br /> GOAL 8: Adequate, reasonably priced, <br /> safe housing in an appropriate <br /> variety of types in proximity to <br /> jobs and daily activities for all <br /> citizens. <br /> 8.1 Encourage the construction and <br /> rehabilitation of a diverse range <br /> of housing types in response to <br /> the needs of various household sizes <br /> and incomes. <br /> (8.3 Encourage the provision of a <br /> range of affordable and suitable <br /> low-income housing by means of <br /> development incentives in order to <br /> provide a balanced housing stock <br /> for the residents of Orange Count <br /> 8.7 Support the use of individual <br /> mobile homes as a useful housing <br /> resource in the County by affording <br /> 11 <br />