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10 <br /> Thom Freeman said he has not heard any complaints, but he has noted suggestions in <br /> meeting minutes, from other board members on advisory boards, that appointees should be <br /> more experienced. <br /> Chair McKee asked if there are any concerns about the applications with extended <br /> questions. <br /> Thom Freeman said people fill them out, and he has seen that sometimes answers can <br /> be incomplete. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the boards with additional questions could be identified. <br /> Thom Freeman, said Economic Development, Orange Water and Sewer Authority <br /> (OWASA), ABC Board, Board of Adjustment, Equalization and Review (E&R), and the Planning <br /> Board. <br /> Commissioner Price said sometimes a vacancy needs filling and there is no <br /> recommendation from a board, but other times there is a recommendation and the BOCC <br /> ignores it. She said she wonders what kind of message this sends, and if recommendations <br /> can be ignored, why ask for them in the first place. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if recommendations are sought. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said there is a difference between not following a <br /> recommendation and ignoring one. He said with some boards more information is needed on <br /> the applications, as some applicants apply to multiple boards at one time that seemingly have <br /> little connection. He said perhaps, with some boards, applicants should only be able to apply to <br /> that one board. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said restricting applicants to one board had been considered for <br /> those boards that handle monetary issues. He said this issue was never resolved. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she and Commissioner Rich talked about having a <br /> committee conduct interviews of applicants for certain boards, but this came up and the Board <br /> did not want to do it. She said perhaps there could be committees of two to three to review <br /> applications, and interview applicants of certain boards. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said if staff sees that a person did not complete an application, <br /> which has more extensive questions, to send it back to the applicant. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the Board should consider adding extra questions for the <br /> Board of Adjustment application. <br /> Commissioner Price said there is no consistency within the boards; some boards recruit <br /> for particular positions, but most boards choose whatever process they want, such as the <br /> Chair/Vice Chair reviewing applications. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if Commissioner Price could define consistency. <br /> Commissioner Price said consistency in who does the vetting for the applicant <br /> recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he does not have a problem with that. He said when he was <br /> on the OWASA board years ago he was interviewed by two commissioners. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said it should be noted that Commissioner Dorosin advocated for <br /> not vetting anyone. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he does not agree with Commissioner Dorosin for the <br /> statutory boards, quasi-judicial boards or those with fiduciary responsibilities. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said when he looks at who is applying, he looks at the various <br /> demographics of the board: gender, race, geographic variety, etc. He said he does not make <br /> his decisions solely on this, but he does looks at the balance. He said the Board should not put <br /> someone on a board based on demographic profile. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she agreed that some boards need to be vetted, but she does <br /> not want it to be more difficult for residents to apply. <br />