Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 15 <br /> From: Perdita Holtz <br /> To: 'oavHe|ws''; Gene Poveromo <br /> Cc: Craig Benedict;Travis Mvren; Bonnie Hammers le <br /> Subject: RE:Chapel Hill Courtesy Review of LUMOTA to increase Planning Commission Membership <br /> Date: Thursday,October 13,2016 3:47:00 PM <br /> Attachments: /maneooz.nng <br /> Thanks for the quick response, Jay! <br /> I think Orange County may have some concerns about the proposed amendment. The Joint Planning <br /> Agreement was amended in December 2015 at Chapel Hill's request to address the situation the <br /> Town now seems wanting to remedy further, Namely, the JPA now allows the Town to appoint <br /> someone to fill the ETJ and JPA seats with any Chapel Hill resident if the seat has been vacant for 90 <br /> days. Adding another position to the Planning Board for a Chapel Hill resident could result in <br /> "dilution" of the voice of ETJ/JPA residents who already feel at a disadvantage because they do not <br /> vote for the political board (e.g., Town Council) which ultimately exerts land use and zoning <br /> authority over them. It would seem that other solutions to the quorum issues may exist, such as: <br /> • Chapel Hill implementing the language in the Dec. 2015 JPA amendment which allows the <br /> Town Council to members to the board if seat remains vacant for too long. <br /> • Revising the quorum requirement to be, instead of an absolute number, a majority of <br /> seated members. <br /> Expanding the number of seats on the Planning Board should be discussed at levels above me and it <br /> may ultimately need to be discussed among the elected officials, Absent further discussion, <br /> Orange County Planning staff cannot make the determination that the proposed amendment is <br /> consistent with the spirit of the JPA. <br /> I have included the County Manager and Deputy County Manager in this response as I believe that <br /> this may need to be an item for further discussion. <br /> Thanks, <br /> Perdita <br /> Perdita HO|tz, AICP <br /> Planning Systems Coordinator <br /> Orange COuDty, NC Planning Department <br /> 919.245.2578 <br /> From: Jay Haikas [mai|to:jhaikas@townofchapa|hi||.o»g] <br /> Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2016 3:28 PM <br /> To: Perdita Holtz; Gene Poveromo <br /> Cc: Craig Benedict <br /> Subject: RE: Chapel Hill Courtesy Review of LUMOTA to increase Planning Commission Membership <br />