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28 29 <br /> Rule 27. Quorum. A majority of the board membership shall <br /> constitute a quorum. The number required for a quorum is <br /> not affected by vacancies. If a member has withdrawn from a <br /> meeting without being excused by majority vote of the remain- <br /> ing members present, he or she shall be counted as present <br /> for the purposes of determining whether a quorum is present. <br /> The board may compel the attendance of an absent member <br /> by ordering the sheriff to take the member into custody. <br /> Comment: See G.S. 153A-43. Compelling the attendance of a <br /> member by ordering the sheriff to take the person into custody is <br /> an extraordinary remedy intended for use when a member obsti- <br /> nately refuses to attend meetings for the purpose of preventing <br /> action on a proposal. If the board contemplates using this power, <br /> it should give the absent members notice that their attendance is <br /> required by the majority and may be compelled in this manner. <br /> Rule 28. Public Hearings. Public hearings required by law or <br /> deemed advisable by the board shall be advertised per legal re- <br /> quirements and staff shall set forth the subject, date, place, and <br /> time of the hearing as well as any rules regarding the length of <br /> time allotted to each speaker and designating representatives to <br /> speak for large groups. At the appointed time, the chair shall call <br /> the hearing to order and preside over it. When the allotted time <br /> expires, or earlier, if no one wishes to speak who has not done so, <br /> the presiding officer shall entertain or make a motion to end the <br /> hearing or adjourn the public hearing to another board meeting, or <br /> vote on the item. The board shall thereafter resume the regular <br /> order of business. <br /> Anyone wishing to speak during a public hearing must first pro- <br /> vide his or her name and address to the clerk. <br /> Comment: G.S. 153A-52 provides that public hearings may be <br /> held anywhere within the county and gives the board authority to <br /> adopt rules governing the hearings. <br /> Rule 29. Quorum at Public Hearings. A quorum of the board <br /> shall be required at all public hearings required by law. <br /> Comment:G.S. 153A-52 implies that a quorum of governing board <br /> members is necessary for a public hearing by providing that a <br /> hearing shall be deferred to the next regular meeting if a quorum <br />